tailscale / tailscale-qpkg

Package Tailscale client in QPKG
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Unable to log into Tailascale on QTS 5 #82

Open wingcomm opened 1 year ago

wingcomm commented 1 year ago

When I install Tailscale 1.36.1 and go to login, the login page does not work from the App Center:

Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 2 32 13 AM


wingcomm commented 1 year ago

After trying a reboot, I get the following 404 screen when I go to open Tailscale.

Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 3 46 26 AM

I tried using the tailscale CLI to run tailscale up and it does not work:

Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 4 04 25 AM

I was able to get another bugreport.



DentonGentry commented 1 year ago

The case that we know is currently broken is https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/issues/7108, if the WebUI port has been changed. That manifests as a different symptom than EOF error, though.

From the ssh prompt:


Unfortunately this system has never managed to upload telemetry, there is nothing to go on.

wingcomm commented 1 year ago

Yes, its running

[~] # ps auxw | grep tailscale 802 admin 71572 S /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/Tailscale/tailscaled --port 41641 --statedir=/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/Tailscale/state --socket=/tmp/tailscale/tailscaled.sock 11841 admin 1000 S grep tailscale

There are no logs in /tmp/tailscale:

[/tmp/tailscale] # ls -al total 4 drwxr-xr-x 2 admin administrators 80 2023-02-23 02:37 ./ drwxrwxrwx 28 admin administrators 3240 2023-02-24 01:29 ../ -rw-rw-rw- 1 admin administrators 4 2023-02-23 02:37 tailscaled.pid srw-rw-rw- 1 admin administrators 0 2023-02-23 02:37 tailscaled.sock=

Here is another bug report: BUG-94e4712067ad62896f72687f604afc9d229d67918c925743b74cc6c77a787435-20230224063044Z-a9c44fa597e636d9

wingcomm commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this investigation?

DentonGentry commented 1 year ago

I understand that you want a fix. I promise that we will update the issue when progress is made.

wingcomm commented 1 year ago

@DentonGentry Has Tailscale stopped releasing updates for QNAP?

DentonGentry commented 1 year ago

We are focussing on getting the package into the QNAP App Center. Every time we would do a new release, it would disrupt that process as they updated to the new build. We are aiming to get 1.36 into the App Center.

wingcomm commented 1 year ago

@DentonGentry None of the currently available builds work on QNAP anymore. Shouldn't that be addressed first?

DentonGentry commented 1 year ago

We test every build on a TS231K. I understand that people who use the CLI to add additional options may have trouble, but that is not the main use for this package.

wingcomm commented 1 year ago

@DentonGentry I was referring to this issue and other issues that seem to be similar with login/connection issues on QNAP such as this one and https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale-qpkg/issues/83 I am not using any CLI options.

talios commented 1 year ago

Ditto for @wingcomm's comment - none of the recent builds have worked for me - no network access at all. That, and since I run off a different port the new GUI support doesn't work either ( no idea if that's been fixed at all, and not sure of the issue number off hand).

wingcomm commented 1 year ago

@DentonGentry Are you testing unbinding and rebinding the QNAP to a Tailnet? Something is getting missed in Tailscale's testing regimen.

I still don't quite understand why this update process disrupts the QNAP App Store process. The QNAP App Center is notoriously slow to release updates. Why not post them to pkgs.tailscale.com in the same way that Synology packages are posted?

DentonGentry commented 1 year ago

Are you testing unbinding and rebinding the QNAP to a Tailnet? Something is getting missed in Tailscale's testing regimen.

We test logging out and logging in, using the tailscale web console. We're not routinely testing use of tailscale up from a shell after SSH, which is how people have been doing things like advertising routes from QNAP devices.

One is welcome to use SSH, but the options we'll be prepared to support are those in the web console such as advertising as an exit node.

I still don't quite understand why this update process disrupts the QNAP App Store process. The QNAP App Center is notoriously slow to release updates.

We started the QNAP review process some time ago, and updated it to 1.36 mid-review. For platforms with long lead times to deliver an update we tend to stay one release behind, expecting to find any significant issues or accidental regressions via the platforms where we can address a problem more quickly. So we did not build 1.38 for QNAP, and expected 1.36 to debut in the App Center and we would build a 1.38 once the rest of the platforms had fully exercised it.

At this point I don't expect 1.36 to appear in the App Center. We're relatively close to releasing 1.40 for all platforms, I expect to build a 1.40 for QNAP platforms, post it here and submit it to the test process.

Why not post them to pkgs.tailscale.com in the same way that Synology packages are posted?

The platforms which appear on pkgs.tailscale.com are handled by an autobuilder. Packages for QNAP are still built manually. We'll add QNAP to the autobuilder when we're ready to officially announce support, after it appears in in App Center and our support materials are prepared for how to answer common support questions.

wingcomm commented 1 year ago

@DentonGentry Thank you for your feedback and your team's persistence. My issue appears to be resolved now that 1.40.0 has been published for QNAP. I am able to connect my QNAP to my tailnet again using the Web UI. I will do a bit more testing and then close this issue out.