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k8s operator: tailscale ingress sometimes tries to connect to instead of ClusterIP, fails with "netstack: could not connect to local server at ..." #12079

Open garymm opened 1 month ago

garymm commented 1 month ago

What is the issue?

I'm really not sure how to reproduce this but I've seen this a couple of times. Restarting the tailscale ingress pods seems to fix it.

I set up two services (docker-registry, and headlamp) with type ClusterIP both listening on port 80. Both services have a tailscale ingress. This is a test cluster with only one node, so everything is on the same node.

When trying to connect, I see errors like this in the tailscale pod:

2024/05/09 22:55:03 Accept: TCP{ >} 64 tcp ok
2024/05/09 22:55:03 netstack: could not connect to local server at dial tcp connect: connection refused

Restarting the tailscale ingress pod seems to fix the issue.

I'm not a kubernetes expert, but it seems supicious that tailscale is trying to connect to the service on rather than using the cluster IP.

# kubectl get svc -A
NAMESPACE         NAME                               TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                  AGE
default           kubernetes                         ClusterIP     <none>        443/TCP                  30m
docker-registry   docker-registry                    ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP                 17m
headlamp          headlamp                           ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP                   27m
kube-system       coredns                            ClusterIP     <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP   29m
tailscale         ts-docker-registry-ingress-4w69x   ClusterIP   None           <none>        <none>                   16m
tailscale         ts-headlamp-ingress-6mzrv          ClusterIP   None           <none>        <none>                   17m
# kubectl get ingress -A
NAMESPACE         NAME                      CLASS       HOSTS   ADDRESS                                      PORTS     AGE
docker-registry   docker-registry-ingress   tailscale   *       berkeley-staging-docker.taila1eba.ts.net     80, 443   36m
headlamp          headlamp-ingress          tailscale   *       berkeley-staging-headlamp.taila1eba.ts.net   80, 443   36m

I am able to connect to both services simultaneously using kubectl port-forward, so I'm pretty sure this is not an inherit limitation of my kubernetes set-up.

Steps to reproduce

No response

Are there any recent changes that introduced the issue?

No response



OS version


Tailscale version


Other software

calico CNI

Bug report


garymm commented 1 month ago

I'm seeing this again. I tried upgradng to 1.64.2 (latest helm chart) and deleting all the pods and this time I can't figure out a way to fix it.

garymm commented 1 month ago

Restarting the kubernetes host seems to have fixed it, at least for now.