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tsnet: unable to create multiple funnel listeners for tsnet.Server #8800

Open ifross89 opened 10 months ago

ifross89 commented 10 months ago

What is the issue?

I am trying to create multiple funnel only listeners on a *tsnet.Server. When I serve the listeners and try and connect, I can only connect to the listener that is created last.

For example, if I try and create funnel only listeners on ports 443 and 8443, I am able to connect to the server listening on port 8443, but I am unable to connect to the server listening on port 443.

When I try and connect to the :443 server, in firefox I get: PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR. In the logs I get:

localbackend: got ingress conn for unconfigured "test.my-tailnet.ts.net:443"; rejecting

I would expect to be able to connect to both servers.

I had a quick look, and the issue seems to be when calling LocalClient.GetServeConfig(ctx) in ListenFunnel, an empty serve config is returned, even when a previous serve config has been configured.

Steps to reproduce

func TestMultipleFunnelListen(t *testing.T) {
    const dir = "test"
    err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0700)
    if err != nil {
    srv := tsnet.Server{
        Dir:       dir,
        Hostname:  dir,
    ln1, err := srv.ListenFunnel("tcp", ":443", tsnet.FunnelOnly())
    if err != nil {
    ln2, err := srv.ListenFunnel("tcp", ":8443", tsnet.FunnelOnly())
    if err != nil {

    handler := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

    go http.Serve(ln1, handler)
    go http.Serve(ln2, handler)

    ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt)
    defer cancel()

if you then curl https://test.MY-TAILNET.ts.net:443 you will not be able to connect, you will see the following in the verbose output:

curl: (35) error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading

and you will see in the tsnet logs:

2023/08/06 13:55:33 localbackend: got ingress conn for unconfigured "test.MY-TAILNET.ts.net:443"; rejecting

Are there any recent changes that introduced the issue?

No response



OS version

Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

Tailscale version


Other software

No response

Bug report


bradfitz commented 10 months ago

Maybe http.Serve is returning an error with a clue?

ifross89 commented 10 months ago

Hi, thanks for the prompt reply.

I updated the test code to read:

    go func() {
        panic(http.Serve(ln1, handler))
    go func() {
        panic(http.Serve(ln2, handler))

and there is no panic, and the issue remains.


Hobbit44 commented 4 weeks ago

I'm getting the exact same symptoms, but with a slightly different use. I'm running the k8s operator and trying to create a funnel with according to the docs.

resource "kubernetes_manifest" "webhook_ingress" {
  manifest = {
    apiVersion = "networking.k8s.io/v1"
    kind       = "Ingress"
    metadata = {
      name = "webhook"
      namespace = local.namespaces.home
      annotations = {
        "tailscale.com/funnel" = "true"

    spec = {
      ingressClassName = "tailscale"
      defaultBackend = {
        service = {
          name = "homeassistant"
          port = {
            number = 8123
      tls = [{
        hosts = [

but when i try and curl the created dns endpoint i get:

❯ curl https://webhook.[domain]
curl: (35) error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading
Hobbit44 commented 4 weeks ago

Well, i tried a different service, and made it worse:

resource "kubernetes_manifest" "webhook_ingress" {
  manifest = {
    apiVersion = "networking.k8s.io/v1"
    kind       = "Ingress"
    metadata = {
      name = "paperless-external"
      namespace = local.namespaces.home
      annotations = {
        "tailscale.com/funnel" = "true"
        "cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer" = local.cert_manager.issuer

    spec = {
      ingressClassName = "tailscale"
      rules = [{
        host = "paperless.${local.domain}"
      tls = [{
        hosts = [
        secretName = "paperless-tls"

and ended up crashing the operator pod with:

{"level":"info","ts":"2024-05-17T15:15:26Z","msg":"Starting workers","controller":"ingress","controllerGroup":"networking.k8s.io","controllerKind":"Ingress","worker count":1}                                                                                                                                      {"level":"info","ts":"2024-05-17T15:15:26Z","msg":"Observed a panic in reconciler: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference","controller":"ingress","controllerGroup":"networking.k8s.io","controllerKind":"Ingress","Ingress":{"name":"paperless-external","namespace":"home"},"namespace":"home","name":"paperless-external","reconcileID":"f53f0c00-d65a-467e-8bd9-fc22d5a518bd"}
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [recovered]
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x1f6d193]

goroutine 535 [running]:
sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/internal/controller.(*Controller).Reconcile.func1()                                                                        sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime@v0.16.2/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:116 +0x1e5
panic({0x21ef260?, 0x3bda900?})                                                                                                                               runtime/panic.go:770 +0x132                                                                                                                           main.(*IngressReconciler).maybeProvision(0xc002c578c0, {0x296bd98, 0xc000459200}, 0xc000392100, 0xc002a458c0)                                                 tailscale.com/cmd/k8s-operator/ingress.go:230 +0x973
main.(*IngressReconciler).Reconcile(0xc002c578c0, {0x296bd98, 0xc000459200}, {{{0xc002fb0198?, 0x5?}, {0xc002f4cc18?, 0xc002dbfd10?}}})                       tailscale.com/cmd/k8s-operator/ingress.go:76 +0x3e7                                                                                                   sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/internal/controller.(*Controller).Reconcile(0x2971840?, {0x296bd98?, 0xc000459200?}, {{{0xc002fb0198?, 0xb?}, {0xc002f4cc18?, 0x0?}}})
    sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime@v0.16.2/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:119 +0xb7
sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/internal/controller.(*Controller).reconcileHandler(0xc002cf5540, {0x296bdd0, 0xc002cf36d0}, {0x22e2620, 0xc00304ad20})
    sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime@v0.16.2/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:316 +0x3bc
sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/internal/controller.(*Controller).processNextWorkItem(0xc002cf5540, {0x296bdd0, 0xc002cf36d0})
    sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime@v0.16.2/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:266 +0x1be
    sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime@v0.16.2/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:227 +0x79
created by sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/internal/controller.(*Controller).Start.func2 in goroutine 401
    sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime@v0.16.2/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:223 +0x50c