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webkit-tap-highlight-color defaults #396

Open justice47 opened 4 years ago

justice47 commented 4 years ago

Why -webkit-tap-highlight-color is not set to transparent by default? I've lost half an hour while investigating why my pressed button is look so ugly in mobile browser: image

hacknug commented 4 years ago

I guess it's because it's a good idea to let users know when they're pressing things, same reason why we don't disable default focus styles. Maybe the default styling could be improved.

justice47 commented 4 years ago

The look&feel of the material buttons pressing is much better IMO - https://material.io/components/buttons/ Can we implement ripple and shadow transitions to show that the button has been clicked?

adamwathan commented 4 years ago

You can implement that in your own app for sure 👍 For Tailwind core that's too complex/opinionated, it's mean to be just low level primitives for building custom user interfaces, not an opinionated UI framework like Material.