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Pseudo classes and @apply #441

Open owzim opened 4 years ago

owzim commented 4 years ago

The docs explicitly state that this won't work:

/* Won't work: */
.btn {
  @apply block bg-red-500;
  @apply hover:bg-blue-500;
  @apply md:inline-block;

/* Do this instead: */
.btn {
  @apply block bg-red-500;
.btn:hover {
  @apply bg-blue-500;
@screen md {
  .btn {
    @apply inline-block;

My question is why? Is it difficult to implement with many implications I can't think of or is it just against tailwind's philosophy? I think this would be very useful.

adamwathan commented 4 years ago

Just really difficult to implement and haven't had the time to dedicate the 40-80 hours to it that it would take to really do properly.

adamwathan commented 4 years ago

Some discussion about it here, although some of the challenging details still only live in my head:


zaydek commented 4 years ago

I’m also looking forward to this functionality but it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal to just use explicit media queries/px for now.

Is my thinking correct that @media (min-width: <px>px) is the only way to support custom logic in media queries right now?