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Responsive breakpoints are not working #453

Closed decadak0n closed 4 years ago

decadak0n commented 4 years ago

I can't figure out why the overrides are not working in my project. I'm trying to make my website readable on mobile and at the moment it is displaying buttons with desktop size. I'm using tailwind and react. My button component is:

return <button className="sm:text-xs sm:h-1 redbtn" onClick={onClick}>{children}</button>

However text-xs only works if I removed the sm: prefix. I tried including

screens: {
            sm: '640px',
            md: '768px',
            lg: '1024px',
            xl: '1280px'

in my config file but that did not change anything.

tlgreg commented 4 years ago

Tailwind by default is mobile-first and uses min-width media queries. The above button would have that font-size and height applied from sm breakpoint and up, while default font size would apply only below sm. Demo: https://tailwind.run/rhvtGH

decadak0n commented 4 years ago

Well the problem is that it's displaying the button normally on ≥ md screens but its too big for sm screens.

adamwathan commented 4 years ago

Greg explained it correctly, check out the docs:


“sm:” targets screens 640 and bigger. Remove the prefix to target mobile.

adamwathan commented 4 years ago

Try something like “redbtn text-xs h-1 sm:text-base sm:h-auto”.

decadak0n commented 4 years ago

Okay thank you. I think I understand how it works now!