tailwindlabs / headlessui

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Bug Conditional className when using DisclosurePanel inside Transition #3277

Closed zulfio closed 1 week ago

zulfio commented 3 weeks ago

What package within Headless UI are you using? @headlessui/react

What version of that package are you using? v2.0.4

What browser are you using? Chrome

Reproduction URL https://playcode.io/1899014


<Disclosure defaultOpen={true}>
    enter='transition duration-100 ease-out'
    enterFrom='transform scale-95 opacity-0'
    enterTo='transform scale-100 opacity-100'
    leave='transition duration-75 ease-out'
    leaveFrom='transform scale-100 opacity-100'
    leaveTo='transform scale-95 opacity-0'
      onClick={()=> setIsOpen(c => !c)}
      className={`bg-slate-100 ${ isOpen ? 'text-slate-900' : 'text-rose-900' }`}

Describe your issue I have conditional className for DisclosurePanel. When we click the change button, it's merging the class instead of changing the class.

It's only happen when using <Transition>, if we remove the <Transition> it's working fine.

Expected output: "bg-slate-100 text-slate-900"

Actual output: "bg-slate-100 text-slate-900 text-rose-900"

guhndr commented 2 weeks ago

Got the same problem with <Transition> and <DialogPanel>.

RobinMalfait commented 1 week ago

This should be fixed by #3303, and will be available in the next release.

You can already try it using: