What package within Headless UI are you using?
I'm using the Disclosure from @headlessui/react
What version of that package are you using?
I'm using version: "^2.2.0"
What browser are you using?
Reproduction URL
I don't know how to create/provide a reproduction URL.
Describe your issue
Describe the problem you're seeing, any important steps to reproduce, and what behavior you expect instead.
When I click on the CloseButton component, it does nothing except redirect the client to another page, which is what I want. However, it does not close the DisclosurePanel, which is what I want.
What package within Headless UI are you using? I'm using the Disclosure from @headlessui/react
What version of that package are you using? I'm using version: "^2.2.0"
What browser are you using? Chrome
Reproduction URL I don't know how to create/provide a reproduction URL.
Describe your issue
Describe the problem you're seeing, any important steps to reproduce, and what behavior you expect instead. When I click on the CloseButton component, it does nothing except redirect the client to another page, which is what I want. However, it does not close the DisclosurePanel, which is what I want.