tailwindlabs / heroicons

A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for UI development.
MIT License
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[Icon Request] Moneybag 💰 #251

Closed deadcoder0904 closed 3 years ago

deadcoder0904 commented 3 years ago

I just saw @heroicons/react got release so was trying to replace all icons in my app with a simple import & couldn't find 💰 icon.

I must've copied it from elsewhere but would love to have this one.

Here's my copied SVG for inspiration:

import React from 'react'

export const Acquisition = ({ className }) => {
  return (
      className={`text-[#FFD700] ${className}`}
      viewBox="0 0 50 50"
      <path d="M25 0c-.336 0-.668.012-1 .031V3c0 .55-.45 1-1 1s-1-.45-1-1V.281C19.227.801 17 2.047 17 4v6h16V4c0-1.953-2.227-3.2-5-3.719V3a1 1 0 11-2 0V.031A16.99 16.99 0 0025 0zm-8 12v2c0 3.277-1.75 5.79-3.781 8.688C10.777 26.172 8 30.098 8 36.188c0 5.886 4.953 10.867 9.594 13.562a1 1 0 00.5.156h13.718c.172 0 .32-.039.47-.125 4.644-2.636 9.624-7.613 9.624-13.593 0-6.168-2.754-10.122-5.187-13.626C34.727 19.695 33 17.212 33 14v-2zm7.688 13.906c.8 0 1.523.082 1.187.507 1.687.906.5.398.887.898 1.188 1.293.5 2.093h-1.875c.101-.898-.301-1.593-1-2.093-.7-.5-1.5-.688-2.5-.688-.399 0-.82-.008-1.22.094-.398.102-.792.207-1.093.406-.3.2-.613.48-.813.782-.199.3-.28.718-.28 1.218s.105.793.405 1.094c.301.3.594.488 1.094.688.5.199 1 .3 1.188.207 1.688.406a8.76 8.76 0 011.718.5c.602.199 1.102.414 1.5.812.5.301.793.688 1.094 1.188.301.5.407 1.113.407 1.812 0 .801-.2 1.5-.5 2a4.643 4.643 0 01-1.407 1.407c-.601.398-1.207.582-1.906.78-.7.2-1.395.22-2.094.22A9.97 9.97 0 0122.5 41.5c-.7-.2-1.398-.5-2-1-.602-.398-1.012-.992-1.313-1.594a5.7 5.7 0 01-.5-2.406h1.907c0 .602.105 1.195.406 1.594.2.5.602.793 1 1.093.398.301.906.524 1.406.626.5.097 1.094.187 1.594.187.398 0 .914.008 1.313-.094.5-.101.886-.207 1.187-.406a2.4 2.4 0 00.906-.813c.2-.3.282-.78.282-1.28s-.075-.915-.375-1.313c-.301-.301-.625-.582-1.125-.782-.5-.199-1-.398-1.5-.5-.602-.101-1.188-.308-1.688-.406-.602-.101-1.188-.3-1.688-.5-.601-.199-1.101-.418-1.5-.718-.5-.301-.824-.692-1.125-1.094-.3-.5-.375-.989-.375-1.688 0-.8.2-1.398.5-2 .301-.601.688-1.008 1.188-1.406.5-.398 1.086-.613 1.688-.813.601-.199 1.3-.28 2-.28z" />