tailwindlabs / heroicons

A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for UI development.
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Create table of icon name changes for v2 release #750

Closed steveoh closed 1 year ago

steveoh commented 1 year ago

A number of icons have also been renamed. For example, the "mail" icon has been renamed to "envelope" and the "search" icon has been renamed to "magnifying glass". This naming more accurately describes what the icon is without making assumptions about how it's being used.

This is not super helpful. Something like the table below would be great.

v1 v2
adjustments adjustments-vertical
annotation chat-bubble-bottom-center-text
archive archive-box
arrow-circle-down arrow-down-circle
arrow-circle-left arrow-left-circle
arrow-circle-right arrow-right-circle
arrow-circle-up arrow-up-circle
arrow-narrow-down arrow-long-down
arrow-narrow-left arrow-long-left
arrow-narrow-right arrow-long-right
arrow-narrow-up arrow-long-up
arrow-sm-left removed
arrow-sm-right removed
arrow-sm-up removed
arrow-sm-down removed
arrows-expand arrows-pointing-out
badge-check check-badge
ban no-symbol
bookmark-alt bookmark-square
cash banknotes
chart-square-bar chart-bar-square
chat-alt-2 chat-bubble-left-right
chat-alt chat-bubble-left-ellipsis
chat chat-bubble-oval-left-ellipsis
chip cpu-chip
clipboard-check clipboard-document-check
clipboard-copy clipboard-document
clipboard-list clipboard-document-list
cloud-download cloud-arrow-down
cloud-upload cloud-arrow-up
code code-bracket
collection rectangle-stack
color-swatch swatch
cube-transparent removed
currency-bangladeshi removed
cursor-click cursor-arrow-rays
database circle-stack
desktop-computer computer-desktop
device-mobile device-phone-mobile
document-add document-plus
document-download document-arrow-down
document-remove document-minus
document-report document-chart-bar
document-search document-magnifying-glass
dots-circle-horizontal ellipsis-horizontal-circle
dots-horizontal ellipsis-horizontal
dots-vertical ellipsis-vertical
download arrow-down-tray
duplicate square-2-stack
emoji-happy face-smile
emoji-sad face-frown
exclamation exclamation
external-link arrow-top-right-on-square
eye-off eye-slash
fast-forward forward
filter funnel
folder-add folder-plus
folder-download folder-arrow-down
folder-remove folder-minus
globe globe-europe-africa
hand hand-raised
inbox-in inbox-arrow-down
library building-library
lightning-bolt bolt
location-marker map-pin
login arrow-left-on-rectangle
logout arrow-right-on-rectangle
mail-open envelope-open
mail envelope
menu-alt-1 bars-3-center-left
menu-alt-2 bars-3-bottom-left
menu-alt-3 bars-3-bottom-right
menu-alt-4 bars-2
menu bars-3
minus-sm removed
music-note musical-note
office-building building-office
pencil-alt pencil-square
phone-incoming phone-arrow-down-left
phone-missed-call phone-x-mark
phone-outgoing phone-arrow-up-right
photograph photo
plus-sm removed
puzzle puzzle-piece
qrcode qr-code
receipt-tax receipt-percent
refresh arrow-path
reply arrow-uturn-left
rewind backward
rss removed
save-as arrow-down-on-square-stack
save arrow-down-on-square
search-circle magnifying-glass-circle
search magnifying-glass
selector removed
sort-ascending removed
sort-descending removed
speakerphone megaphone
status-offline signal-slash
status-online signal
support lifebuoy
switch-horizontal arrow-right-left
switch-vertical arrow-up-down
table table-cells
template rectangle-group
terminal command-line
thumb-down hand-thumb-down
thumb-up hand-thumb-up
translate language
trending-down arrow-trending-down
trending-up arrow-trending-up
upload arrow-up-tray
user-add user-plus
user-remove removed
variable removed
view-boards view-columns
view-grid-add squares-plus
view-grid squares-2x2
view-list bars-4
volume-off speaker-x-mark
volume-up speaker-wave
x x-mark
zoom-in magnifying-glass-plus
zoom-out magnifying-glass-minu

refs https://github.com/tailwindlabs/heroicons/issues/746, https://github.com/tailwindlabs/heroicons/issues/749

CaptainMack commented 1 year ago

Table or v1 keywords for searching could be useful - I happened to be working on icons on our application, when the release hit. Suddenly I could search icons that I couldn't use in our application and therefore updated the package, leading to a lot of naming changes. It doesn't even have to be a table, if you could add the old icon keywords to the search, e.g. searching for wireless shows the wifi icon currently, adding the v1 icon names to the list of searchable, but hidden keywords, could be super useful.

Maybe also a top banner or something that mentions that v2 has been released with a link to changelogs/naming convention changes.

Bramjetten commented 1 year ago

We use Heroicons in Spina CMS and I'd love to update our icons to the new set. I'm thinking about creating such a lookup table manually.

Edit: I decided to write it out manually. Quite the meditative experience. Here's my Ruby hash containing all name changes:

    "adjustments" => "adjustments-vertical",
    "annotation" => "chat-bubble-bottom-center-text",
    "archive" => "archive-box",
    "arrow-circle-down" => "arrow-down-circle",
    "arrow-circle-left" => "arrow-left-circle",
    "arrow-circle-right" => "arrow-right-circle",
    "arrow-circle-up" => "arrow-up-circle",
    "arrow-narrow-down" => "arrow-long-down",
    "arrow-narrow-left" => "arrow-long-left",
    "arrow-narrow-right" => "arrow-long-right",
    "arrow-narrow-up" => "arrow-long-up",
    "arrow-sm-left" => nil,
    "arrow-sm-right" => nil,
    "arrow-sm-up" => nil,
    "arrow-sm-down" => nil,
    "arrows-expand" => "arrows-pointing-out",
    "badge-check" => "check-badge",
    "ban" => "no-symbol",
    "bookmark-alt" => "bookmark-square",
    "cash" => "banknotes",
    "chart-square-bar" => "chart-bar-square",
    "chat-alt-2" => "chat-bubble-left-right",
    "chat-alt" => "chat-bubble-left-ellipsis",
    "chat" => "chat-bubble-oval-left-ellipsis",
    "chip" => "cpu-chip",
    "clipboard-check" => "clipboard-document-check",
    "clipboard-copy" => "clipboard-document",
    "clipboard-list" => "clipboard-document-list",
    "cloud-download" => "cloud-arrow-down",
    "cloud-upload" => "cloud-arrow-up",
    "code" => "code-bracket",
    "collection" => "rectangle-stack",
    "color-swatch" => "swatch",
    "cube-transparent" => nil,
    "currency-bangladeshi" => nil,
    "cursor-click" => "cursor-arrow-rays",
    "database" => "circle-stack",
    "desktop-computer" => "computer-desktop",
    "device-mobile" => "device-phone-mobile",
    "document-add" => "document-plus",
    "document-download" => "document-arrow-down",
    "document-remove" => "document-minus",
    "document-report" => "document-chart-bar",
    "document-search" => "document-magnifying-glass",
    "dots-circle-horizontal" => "ellipsis-horizontal-circle",
    "dots-horizontal" => "ellipsis-horizontal",
    "dots-vertical" => "ellipsis-vertical",
    "download" => "arrow-down-tray",
    "duplicate" => "square-2-stack",
    "emoji-happy" => "face-smile",
    "emoji-sad" => "face-frown",
    "exclamation" => "exclamation",
    "external-link" => "arrow-top-right-on-square",
    "eye-off" => "eye-slash",
    "fast-forward" => "forward",
    "filter" => "funnel",
    "folder-add" => "folder-plus",
    "folder-download" => "folder-arrow-down",
    "folder-remove" => "folder-minus",
    "globe" => "globe-europe-africa",
    "hand" => "hand-raised",
    "inbox-in" => "inbox-arrow-down",
    "library" => "building-library",
    "lightning-bolt" => "bolt",
    "location-marker" => "map-pin",
    "login" => "arrow-left-on-rectangle",
    "logout" => "arrow-right-on-rectangle",
    "mail-open" => "envelope-open",
    "mail" => "envelope",
    "menu-alt-1" => "bars-3-center-left",
    "menu-alt-2" => "bars-3-bottom-left",
    "menu-alt-3" => "bars-3-bottom-right",
    "menu-alt-4" => "bars-2",
    "menu" => "bars-3",
    "minus-sm" => nil,
    "music-note" => "musical-note",
    "office-building" => "building-office",
    "pencil-alt" => "pencil-square",
    "phone-incoming" => "phone-arrow-down-left",
    "phone-missed-call" => "phone-x-mark",
    "phone-outgoing" => "phone-arrow-up-right",
    "photograph" => "photo",
    "plus-sm" => nil,
    "puzzle" => "puzzle-piece",
    "qrcode" => "qr-code",
    "receipt-tax" => "receipt-percent",
    "refresh" => "arrow-path",
    "reply" => "arrow-uturn-left",
    "rewind" => "backward",
    "rss" => nil,
    "save-as" => "arrow-down-on-square-stack",
    "save" => "arrow-down-on-square",
    "search-circle" => "magnifying-glass-circle",
    "search" => "magnifying-glass",
    "selector" => nil,
    "sort-ascending" => nil,
    "sort-descending" => nil,
    "speakerphone" => "megaphone",
    "status-offline" => "signal-slash",
    "status-online" => "signal",
    "support" => "lifebuoy",
    "switch-horizontal" => "arrow-right-left",
    "switch-vertical" => "arrow-up-down",
    "table" => "table-cells",
    "template" => "rectangle-group",
    "terminal" => "command-line",
    "thumb-down" => "hand-thumb-down",
    "thumb-up" => "hand-thumb-up",
    "translate" => "language",
    "trending-down" => "arrow-trending-down",
    "trending-up" => "arrow-trending-up",
    "upload" => "arrow-up-tray",
    "user-add" => "user-plus",
    "user-remove" => nil,
    "variable" => nil,
    "view-boards" => "view-columns",
    "view-grid-add" => "squares-plus",
    "view-grid" => "squares-2x2",
    "view-list" => "bars-4",
    "volume-off" => "speaker-x-mark",
    "volume-up" => "speaker-wave",
    "x" => "x-mark",
    "zoom-in" => "magnifying-glass-plus",
    "zoom-out" => "magnifying-glass-minus"
basicallydan commented 1 year ago

@Bramjetten Thank you for doing this

basicallydan commented 1 year ago

Maybe also a top banner or something that mentions that v2 has been released with a link to changelogs/naming convention changes.

I agree, this is a good idea šŸ’Æ

ryanburns23 commented 1 year ago

Thank you @steveoh & @Bramjetten for the initial list. šŸ¤™

I needed it in JS with a bit different structure. Dropping that here in case it helps anyone:

const heroiconsV1toV2 = {
  AdjustmentsIcon: 'AdjustmentsVerticalIcon',
  AnnotationIcon: 'ChatBubbleBottomCenterTextIcon',
  ArchiveIcon: 'ArchiveBoxIcon',
  ArrowCircleDownIcon: 'ArrowDownCircleIcon',
  ArrowCircleLeftIcon: 'ArrowLeftCircleIcon',
  ArrowCircleRightIcon: 'ArrowRightCircleIcon',
  ArrowCircleUpIcon: 'ArrowUpCircleIcon',
  ArrowNarrowDownIcon: 'ArrowLongDownIcon',
  ArrowNarrowLeftIcon: 'ArrowLongLeftIcon',
  ArrowNarrowRightIcon: 'ArrowLongRightIcon',
  ArrowNarrowUpIcon: 'ArrowLongUpIcon',
  ArrowSmLeftIcon: null,
  ArrowSmRightIcon: null,
  ArrowSmUpIcon: null,
  ArrowSmDownIcon: null,
  ArrowsExpandIcon: 'ArrowsPointingOutIcon',
  BadgeCheckIcon: 'CheckBadgeIcon',
  BanIcon: 'NoSymbolIcon',
  BookmarkAltIcon: 'BookmarkSquareIcon',
  CashIcon: 'BanknotesIcon',
  ChartSquareBarIcon: 'ChartBarSquareIcon',
  ChatAlt2Icon: 'ChatBubbleLeftRightIcon',
  ChatAltIcon: 'ChatBubbleLeftEllipsisIcon',
  ChatIcon: 'ChatBubbleOvalLeftEllipsisIcon',
  ChipIcon: 'CpuChipIcon',
  ClipboardCheckIcon: 'ClipboardDocumentCheckIcon',
  ClipboardCopyIcon: 'ClipboardDocumentIcon',
  ClipboardListIcon: 'ClipboardDocumentListIcon',
  CloudDownloadIcon: 'CloudArrowDownIcon',
  CloudUploadIcon: 'CloudArrowUpIcon',
  CodeIcon: 'CodeBracketIcon',
  CollectionIcon: 'RectangleStackIcon',
  ColorSwatchIcon: 'SwatchIcon',
  CubeTransparentIcon: null,
  CurrencyBangladeshiIcon: null,
  CursorClickIcon: 'CursorArrowRaysIcon',
  DatabaseIcon: 'CircleStackIcon',
  DesktopComputerIcon: 'ComputerDesktopIcon',
  DeviceMobileIcon: 'DevicePhoneMobileIcon',
  DocumentAddIcon: 'DocumentPlusIcon',
  DocumentDownloadIcon: 'DocumentArrowDownIcon',
  DocumentRemoveIcon: 'DocumentMinusIcon',
  DocumentReportIcon: 'DocumentChartBarIcon',
  DocumentSearchIcon: 'DocumentMagnifyingGlassIcon',
  DotsCircleHorizontalIcon: 'EllipsisHorizontalCircleIcon',
  DotsHorizontalIcon: 'EllipsisHorizontalIcon',
  DotsVerticalIcon: 'EllipsisVerticalIcon',
  DownloadIcon: 'ArrowDownTrayIcon',
  DuplicateIcon: 'Square2StackIcon',
  EmojiHappyIcon: 'FaceSmileIcon',
  EmojiSadIcon: 'FaceFrownIcon',
  ExclamationIcon: 'ExclamationIcon',
  ExternalLinkIcon: 'ArrowTopRightOnSquareIcon',
  EyeOffIcon: 'EyeSlashIcon',
  FastForwardIcon: 'ForwardIcon',
  FilterIcon: 'FunnelIcon',
  FolderAddIcon: 'FolderPlusIcon',
  FolderDownloadIcon: 'FolderArrowDownIcon',
  FolderRemoveIcon: 'FolderMinusIcon',
  GlobeIcon: 'GlobeEuropeAfricaIcon',
  HandIcon: 'HandRaisedIcon',
  InboxInIcon: 'InboxArrowDownIcon',
  LibraryIcon: 'BuildingLibraryIcon',
  LightningBoltIcon: 'BoltIcon',
  LocationMarkerIcon: 'MapPinIcon',
  LoginIcon: 'ArrowLeftOnRectangleIcon',
  LogoutIcon: 'ArrowRightOnRectangleIcon',
  MailOpenIcon: 'EnvelopeOpenIcon',
  MailIcon: 'EnvelopeIcon',
  MenuAlt1Icon: 'Bars3CenterLeftIcon',
  MenuAlt2Icon: 'Bars3BottomLeftIcon',
  MenuAlt3Icon: 'Bars3BottomRightIcon',
  MenuAlt4Icon: 'Bars2Icon',
  MenuIcon: 'Bars3Icon',
  MinusSmIcon: null,
  MusicNoteIcon: 'MusicalNoteIcon',
  OfficeBuildingIcon: 'BuildingOfficeIcon',
  PencilAltIcon: 'PencilSquareIcon',
  PhoneIncomingIcon: 'PhoneArrowDownLeftIcon',
  PhoneMissedCallIcon: 'PhoneXMarkIcon',
  PhoneOutgoingIcon: 'PhoneArrowUpRightIcon',
  PhotographIcon: 'PhotoIcon',
  PlusSmIcon: null,
  PuzzleIcon: 'PuzzlePieceIcon',
  QrcodeIcon: 'QrCodeIcon',
  ReceiptTaxIcon: 'ReceiptPercentIcon',
  RefreshIcon: 'ArrowPathIcon',
  ReplyIcon: 'ArrowUturnLeftIcon',
  RewindIcon: 'BackwardIcon',
  RssIcon: null,
  SaveAsIcon: 'ArrowDownOnSquareStackIcon',
  SaveIcon: 'ArrowDownOnSquareIcon',
  SearchCircleIcon: 'MagnifyingGlassCircleIcon',
  SearchIcon: 'MagnifyingGlassIcon',
  SelectorIcon: null,
  SortAscendingIcon: null,
  SortDescendingIcon: null,
  SpeakerphoneIcon: 'MegaphoneIcon',
  StatusOfflineIcon: 'SignalSlashIcon',
  StatusOnlineIcon: 'SignalIcon',
  SupportIcon: 'LifebuoyIcon',
  SwitchHorizontalIcon: 'ArrowRightLeftIcon',
  SwitchVerticalIcon: 'ArrowUpDownIcon',
  TableIcon: 'TableCellsIcon',
  TemplateIcon: 'RectangleGroupIcon',
  TerminalIcon: 'CommandLineIcon',
  ThumbDownIcon: 'HandThumbDownIcon',
  ThumbUpIcon: 'HandThumbUpIcon',
  TranslateIcon: 'LanguageIcon',
  TrendingDownIcon: 'ArrowTrendingDownIcon',
  TrendingUpIcon: 'ArrowTrendingUpIcon',
  UploadIcon: 'ArrowUpTrayIcon',
  UserAddIcon: 'UserPlusIcon',
  UserRemoveIcon: null,
  VariableIcon: null,
  ViewBoardsIcon: 'ViewColumnsIcon',
  ViewGridAddIcon: 'SquaresPlusIcon',
  ViewGridIcon: 'Squares2x2Icon',
  ViewListIcon: 'Bars4Icon',
  VolumeOffIcon: 'SpeakerXMarkIcon',
  VolumeUpIcon: 'SpeakerWaveIcon',
  XIcon: 'XMarkIcon',
  ZoomInIcon: 'MagnifyingGlassPlusIcon',
  ZoomOutIcon: 'MagnifyingGlassMinusIcon',
sschoger commented 1 year ago

Hey! Thanks for putting this list together!

We're working on adding a bunch of the missing ones back. We've already added the sort-ascending, sort-descending, selector, and rss icons. Will continue working through these missing icons šŸ‘šŸ»

maccman commented 1 year ago

You are doing the lord's work - thank you!

maccman commented 1 year ago

@sschoger any chance of an upgrade find/replace script?

binotaliu commented 1 year ago

exclamation -> exclamation-triangle

Mansehej commented 1 year ago

@ryanburns23 Thanks for this! Just as an edit,


Is actually

PicchiKevin commented 1 year ago

Created a small migration script. I thought it could be helpful for everyone. It's not perfect nor optimised, feel free to adapt it.


mkrkelj1 commented 1 year ago

@ryanburns23 @PicchiKevin Thanks for putting this together - unfortunately some of these are breaking. For example, Arrow should be Arrows:

I'll update and add more as I come across them.

razzeee commented 1 year ago
SelectorIcon: ChevronUpDownIcon
sschoger commented 1 year ago


We've updated the release notes to include a list of all of the icons that have been renamed along with their updated names.


We also went ahead and added the icons that were missing from the set that were previously in v1 šŸ‘šŸ»

christiangenco commented 1 year ago

Based on @PicchiKevin's script I wrote a heroicons v2 migration script that upgrades you to the latest heroicons library for either vue or react with either yarn or npm, upgrades your import statements, and upgrades your icon names.

You can run it with:

curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/christiangenco/470a99f4823ee81f2b22bad83119f599/raw/migrateHeroicons.js | bash
geisera commented 1 year ago

@ryanburns23 well done, and thank you!