Closed ShaquibKhanhub closed 3 weeks ago
@adamwathan could you please tell me why this issue is close, Is this bug or something else why this happening and when it would resolve?. please tell me 😃
You opened three issues in a row for the same thing, I'm closing all of them except one.
@adamwathan Yes got it but could you please tell me why is this happening means is there something wrong with the extension because i have reinstalled my vscode because of this yesterday only, i think it would work fine but not.
I don't know — it's Saturday, we're not at work. The extension seems to be working for most people otherwise we'd be seeing a lot of comments and issues about it, so it's likely specific to your system. We'll try to take a look at it when we have time but can't promise when that will be.
@adamwathan Yes i understand but after Sunday please help me. I have seen some issue like mine, i thought it might colliding with some other extensions so i uninstall my several extension which are connected to css i thought I will work but not and also i reinstall my vscode for that but it doesn't work , so please help me. 😞
What version of VS Code are you using?
VS Code version: Code 1.94.2 (384ff7382de624fb94dbaf6da11977bba1ecd427, 2024-10-09T16:08:44.566Z)
What version of Tailwind CSS IntelliSense are you using?
Extension version: 0.12.11
What version of Tailwind CSS are you using?
What package manager are you using?
What operating system are you using?
Tailwind config
/* @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} / export default { content: ["./index.html", "./src/*/.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}"], theme: { extend: {}, }, plugins: [], };
VS Code settings
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Reproduction URL just developing for myself
A public GitHub repo that includes a minimal reproduction of the bug. Please do not link to your actual project, what we need instead is a minimal reproduction in a fresh project without any unnecessary code. This means it doesn't matter if your real project is private/confidential, since we want a link to a separate, isolated reproduction anyways.
i think it's been over six months since this extension stopped working i don't know why but because of this i avoid using tailwind css because classes are not getting suggested into my any project please i request you to resolve this issue. i have provided all the thing i which i required Thank you
Describe the problem you're seeing, any important steps to reproduce and what behavior you expect instead.