Open moshe5745 opened 3 days ago
Not working for me either sadly. I'm using workspace settings, if that matters.
I'm using:
"tailwindCSS.experimental.classRegex": [
["[cC]lass(?:es)?(?:: .*)? \\=([^;]*);", "'([^']*)'"],
["[cC]lass(?:es)?(?:: .*)? \\=([^;]*);", "\"([^\"]*)\""],
["[cC]lass(?:es)?(?:: .*)? \\=([^;]*);", "\\`([^\\`]*)\\`"]
What version of VS Code are you using?
WebStorm 2024.2.4
What version of Tailwind CSS IntelliSense are you using?
What version of Tailwind CSS are you using?
What package manager are you using?
What operating system are you using?
Tailwind config
Describe your issue
I have a dart web project(using jaspr framework). When I used dart_frog everything worked fine because I served regular HTML with class attribute. But jaspr using classes for representing the UI and then renders it to the client. So basically it looks like this inside my dart files.
So I use regex but its not working. I know other people using exactly the same configs in VSCode and its working.
Any help?