tailwindlabs / tailwindcss-intellisense

Intelligent Tailwind CSS tooling for Visual Studio Code
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Intellisene doesn't work in LazyVim #884

Open leoyhk opened 9 months ago

leoyhk commented 9 months ago

What version of VS Code are you using?


What version of Tailwind CSS IntelliSense are you using?

LSP version is 0.0.14 (installed with Mason)

What version of Tailwind CSS are you using?


What package manager are you using?


What operating system are you using?

MacOS Sonoma 14.2

Tailwind config

import type { Config } from "tailwindcss";

export default {
  content: [""],
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],
} satisfies Config;

VS Code settings

  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll.eslint": "explicit"
  "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "eslint.rules.customizations": [{ "rule": "*", "severity": "warn" }],
  "eslint.workingDirectories": [
    { "pattern": "apps/*/" },
    { "pattern": "packages/*/" }
  "typescript.tsdk": "node_modules/typescript/lib",
  "typescript.enablePromptUseWorkspaceTsdk": true,
  "tailwindCSS.experimental.configFile": "./packages/config/tailwind/index.ts",
  "[prisma]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "Prisma.prisma"

Reproduction URL https://github.com/leoyhk/tailwind-lsp-not-working/tree/main

Describe your issue IDE: Lazyvim

LSP Version: 0.0.14 (Installed with Mason)

Bug observed: LSP does not work when "tailwindCSS.experimental.configFile": "./packages/config/tailwind/index.ts", is active in .vscode/setting.json

Expected behavior: LSP provides suggestions and auto completion

How to Recreate:

  1. Open the dir with nvim (i'm using the Lazyvim distribution), open any .tsx file. LSP does not provide any TailwindCSS related suggestions when typing the classnames.
  2. Enter .vscode/setting.json and comment "tailwindCSS.experimental.configFile": "./packages/config/tailwind/index.ts"
  3. Restart nvim and open any .tsx file, the LSP should work normally P.S. I'm searching for a solution / config that could make LSP work in lazyvim/nvim without changing the project settings (since it is a team project), i.e. i shall not treat commenting the line as the solution.

LspInfo shows tailwindcss is up and running, but no suggestions are given while typing image

rmerli commented 8 months ago

Currently having the same issue, I checked the LspLog and when starting the lsp server I get this error: [ERROR][2024-02-05 19:02:38] ...lsp/handlers.lua:535 "Unhandled exception: Bad file descriptor\nError: Bad file descriptor"

rob32 commented 6 months ago

same here with django (htmldjango)

...lsp/handlers.lua:535 "Unhandled exception: Bad file descriptor\nError: Bad file descriptor"


Picalines commented 4 months ago

I came across the same thing while working on my project. The application is wrapped in Docker, the database container saves files to a local volume. I cloned the repository onto 2 machines and downloaded identical nvim configurations and tailwind LSPs. The tailwind LSP works correctly only where docker has not yet created the volume. On another machine, a line appears in the logs:

[ERROR][2024-05-14 18:21:02] ...lsp/handlers.lua:535    "Unhandled exception: Bad file descriptor\nError: Bad file descriptor"

The local volume folder definitely has special file permissions; repro in #815 shows how, due to some file permissions, the server receives an unhandled exception

Thoughts on this: perhaps the tailwind server should not look in directories ignored by git? I did not open files in volume on purpose - maybe the server is trying to get a list of files available to it?

zackAJ commented 1 month ago

latest updates broke it for me as well, I use Neovim btw.