tailwindlabs / tailwindcss-intellisense

Intelligent Tailwind CSS tooling for Visual Studio Code
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Color Swatches in the tailwind.config.js Disappearing #910

Closed wcrowther closed 3 months ago

wcrowther commented 4 months ago

Could be a bug. Could be a feature request. Not sure.

I am using ver 1.86.2 (user setup) of VsCode with TailwindCss-Intellisense v.010.05 (and current pre-release) on Windows

I would like color swatches in my tailwind.config.js file and can enable them with the Editor: Color Decorations in VsCode.


Below are the swatches as seen in the screenshot below when TailwindCss-Intellisense is not enabled.


When I enable TailwindCss-Intellisense the swatches disappear. I obviously need the Intellisense more that the color swatches. Is this something that can be fixed with a current setting? Or could it be implemented in a future version so that the native VsCode feature works or the TailwindCss-Intellisense swatches work in the tailwind.config.js file?

Thanks in advance. I love using TailwindCss (never thought I would say that about CSS) and appreciate the team!

thecrypticace commented 3 months ago

See https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/discussions/11212

You have the default color decorators enabled in VSCode but those disappear as soon as any installed extension provides colors for a given document (even if that list is empty). We only display color swatches for utilities and not all possible color syntax. I think, in this situation, it's best that this is handled at the VSCode level rather than in this extension — especially since there's no really guaranteed way to stay in sync with how they're detecting colors.

This feature is in their backlog but I'm not sure when/if it'll get implemented unless someone picks it up. I might look into that myself though if I have some time to spare over the next few weeks.