tailwindlabs / tailwindcss-intellisense

Intelligent Tailwind CSS tooling for Visual Studio Code
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Hovers and completions not showing in a v4 project #926

Open thecrypticace opened 3 months ago

thecrypticace commented 3 months ago

From Discord:

Hi. I discovered what the cause was but I'm not sure it's really relevant or useful. So I'm not sure if I should still file an Issue for it.

Basically, in my project I have `src/styles/styles.css` with the new v4 syntax. Then, for reference, I copied a tailwind v3 base css file into `src/styles/_global.css`

`_global.css` is completely unused in the project.

When you reload vs code, Tailwind intellisense and hovers break in the way i described previously.

So if the v3 .css file comes before the v4 css file, it breaks. but if it comes after, nothing happens.

Example that works
- `styles.css`
- `unused-v3.css` <- comes after the v4 file alphabetically

Example that breaks
- `my-unused-v3.css` <- comes before the v4 file alphabetically
- `styles.css`

Astro                    v4.5.4
Node                     v18.17.1
System                   macOS (arm64)
Package Manager          bun
Output                   static
Adapter                  none
Integrations             @astrojs/svelte


VS Code Version: 1.87.2
Brian-Pob commented 3 months ago

Hello. I'm the one who brought up this issue on Discord. Thank you for creating the issue for me.