tailwindlabs / tailwindcss

A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
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Deduplication swallows variable when name and value are identical (custom PostCSS plugin) #11473

Closed peterhirn closed 1 year ago

peterhirn commented 1 year ago

What version of Tailwind CSS are you using?


What build tool (or framework if it abstracts the build tool) are you using?

postcss 8.4.24, vite 4.3.9

What version of Node.js are you using?


What browser are you using?


What operating system are you using?

Windows 10



/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
  content: ["./index.html", "./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}"],
  plugins: []


import { basename } from "node:path"
import tailwindcss from "tailwindcss"
import autoprefixer from "autoprefixer"

const appendMode = () => ({
  postcssPlugin: "variables-append-mode",
  Declaration(decl) {
    if (
      decl.variable &&
      decl.prop.startsWith("--md-") &&
      !decl.prop.endsWith("-light") &&
    ) {
      switch (basename(decl.source.input.file)) {
        case "tokens.light.css":
          decl.prop = `${decl.prop}-light`

        case "tokens.dark.css":
          decl.prop = `${decl.prop}-dark`

appendMode.postcss = true

export default {
  plugins: [appendMode, tailwindcss, autoprefixer]


:host {
  --md-sys-color-primary: #005079;
  --md-sys-color-secondary: #4b6174;
  --md-sys-color-outline: #6e757d;


:host {
  --md-sys-color-primary: #8fcdff;
  --md-sys-color-secondary: #b2c9df;
  --md-sys-color-outline: #6e757d;


@import "./tokens.light.css";
@import "./tokens.dark.css";

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

Describe your issue

I have a set of two css files which declare variables with identical variable names (tokens.light.css and tokens.dark.css). I'm using this minimal PostCSS plugin to automatically append -light/-dark to the variable names depending on which file they were declared in. Additionally I also convert the hex colors to rgb but this is not relevant here.

This works perfectly until a variable has not only the same name but also the same value, see --md-sys-color-outline above. In this case one of the variants is not created, here --md-sys-color-outline-light is missing.


:root, :host {
    --md-sys-color-primary-light: #005079;
    --md-sys-color-secondary-light: #4b6174;
    --md-sys-color-outline-light: #6e757d;
    --md-sys-color-primary-dark: #8fcdff;
    --md-sys-color-secondary-dark: #b2c9df;
    --md-sys-color-outline-dark: #6e757d;


:root, :host {
    --md-sys-color-primary-light: #005079;
    --md-sys-color-secondary-light: #4b6174;
    --md-sys-color-primary-dark: #8fcdff;
    --md-sys-color-secondary-dark: #b2c9df;
    --md-sys-color-outline-dark: #6e757d;
joeypohie commented 1 year ago

Potential related Issues / PRs:

This message was generated by AI from www.triagetickets.com

thecrypticace commented 1 year ago

Hey! Rules with identical selectors are merged and identical properties are removed. I doubt this is a behavior we'll remove anytime soon as we rely on it for some things. I would suggest wrapping your imported files in native CSS layers:

@import "./tokens.light.css" layer(light);
@import "./tokens.dark.css" layer(dark);

This should prevent them from being merged and de-duplicated (because the at-rules will have different "names"). You can then look for @layer light and @layer dark in your PostCSS plugin and remove the wrapping layer by replacing it with the child nodes:

This is pseudo code for a PostCSS visitor so it may need some tweaks but the general idea is this:

AtRule(rule) {
  if (rule.name === 'layer' && (rule.params === 'dark' || rule.params === 'light')) {

Note that you'll want to be sure to run this after Tailwind CSS is run.

Hope that helps! ✨

peterhirn commented 1 year ago

Hey! Thanks for your response.

I just realized that my approach was nonsensical. I ended up with all my classes looking like "bg-primary-light dark:bg-primary-dark" which is noisy and redundant.

I now wrapped the token.css files in html[data-mode="dark"] / html[data-mode="light"], adjusted my tailwind config and removed all dark: variants and -light suffixes. So the example above is now simply "bg-primary" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'll dump my full config below for anyone interested. Variables / token files were generated using https://material-components.github.io/material-web/.


html[data-mode="light"] {
  --md-sys-color-background: #f8f9fd;
  --md-sys-color-on-background: #191c1f;
  --md-sys-color-surface: #f8f9fd;


html[data-mode="dark"] {
  --md-sys-color-background: #111417;
  --md-sys-color-on-background: #e1e2e6;
  --md-sys-color-surface: #111417;


@import "./tokens.light.css";
@import "./tokens.dark.css";

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;


import tailwindcss from "tailwindcss"
import autoprefixer from "autoprefixer"

const variablesToRgb = () => ({
  postcssPlugin: "material-variables-to-rgb",
  Declaration(decl) {
    if (
      decl.variable &&
      decl.prop.startsWith("--md-") &&
      decl.value.startsWith("#") &&
      decl.value.length === 7
    ) {
      const color = parseInt(decl.value.slice(1, 7), 16)
      const r = (color >> 16) & 255
      const g = (color >> 8) & 255
      const b = color & 255
      decl.value = `${r} ${g} ${b}`

variablesToRgb.postcss = true

export default {
  plugins: [variablesToRgb, tailwindcss, autoprefixer]


/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
  darkMode: ["class", '[data-mode="dark"]'],
  content: ["./index.html", "./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}"],
  future: {
    hoverOnlyWhenSupported: true
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        primary: {
          DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-primary) / <alpha-value>)",
          container: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-primary-container) / <alpha-value>)"
        secondary: {
          DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-secondary) / <alpha-value>)",
          container: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-secondary-container) / <alpha-value>)"
        tertiary: {
          DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-tertiary) / <alpha-value>)",
          container: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-tertiary-container) / <alpha-value>)"
        error: {
          DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-error) / <alpha-value>)",
          container: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-error-container) / <alpha-value>)"
        surface: {
          DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-surface) / <alpha-value>)",
          dim: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-surface-dim) / <alpha-value>)",
          bright: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-surface-bright) / <alpha-value>)",
          tint: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-surface-tint) / <alpha-value>)",
          variant: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-surface-variant) / <alpha-value>)",
          container: {
            DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-surface-container) / <alpha-value>)",
            lowest: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-surface-container-lowest) / <alpha-value>)",
            low: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-surface-container-low) / <alpha-value>)",
            high: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-surface-container-high) / <alpha-value>)",
            highest: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-surface-container-highest) / <alpha-value>)"
        inverse: {
          surface: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-inverse-surface) / <alpha-value>)",
          primary: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-inverse-primary) / <alpha-value>)",
          on: {
            surface: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-inverse-on-surface) / <alpha-value>)",
            primary: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-inverse-on-primary) / <alpha-value>)"
        background: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-background) / <alpha-value>)",
        outline: {
          DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-outline) / <alpha-value>)",
          variant: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-outline-variant) / <alpha-value>)"
        shadow: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-shadow) / <alpha-value>)",
        scrim: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-scrim) / <alpha-value>)",
        on: {
          primary: {
            DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-on-primary) / <alpha-value>)",
            container: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-on-primary-container) / <alpha-value>)"
          secondary: {
            DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-on-secondary) / <alpha-value>)",
            container: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-on-secondary-container) / <alpha-value>)"
          tertiary: {
            DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-on-tertiary) / <alpha-value>)",
            container: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-on-tertiary-container) / <alpha-value>)"
          error: {
            DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-on-error) / <alpha-value>)",
            container: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-on-error-container) / <alpha-value>)"
          surface: {
            DEFAULT: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-on-surface) / <alpha-value>)",
            variant: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-on-surface-variant) / <alpha-value>)"
          background: "rgb(var(--md-sys-color-on-background) / <alpha-value>)"
  plugins: []