taimos / projen-pipelines

CDK pipelines using projen
Apache License 2.0
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Engine: Jenkins Workflows #11

Open hoegertn opened 11 months ago

thejames97 commented 7 months ago

I stumbled across your repos while looking for CDK CICD ideas for Jenkins. I'm guessing this hasn't been implemented since I see no signs of it in the code. I'd be happy to contribute it if I'm able to get it to work, but I would need some idea of what you had in mind for getting this work with Jenkins.

hoegertn commented 7 months ago

Hi, yes Jenkins has not been implemented yet. You can have a look at the GitHub and GitLab implementations. The goal would be to have a Jenkinsfile be generated that does the same.

automartin5000 commented 6 months ago

I'd be an immediate user here. Not sure if I can contribute, but happy to help test

automartin5000 commented 6 months ago

Actually, wouldn't the first step here be to create a Jenkins component for Projen just like GitHub and GitLab? And then apply the patterns in this repo?

Lock128 commented 4 months ago

Good point, @automartin5000 - but we'd initially do this like we do it for CodeCatalyst and integrate the workflow generation directly in this project. We can later discuss about contributing this back to projen!