taimos / projen-pipelines

CDK pipelines using projen
Apache License 2.0
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App: WinglangAppPipeline to allow building a simple serverless application with Winglang #20

Open Lock128 opened 11 months ago

Lock128 commented 11 months ago

As of today we only support a CDKPipeline / CdkAppPipeline - which automatically creates all steps required to build, package and deploy a simple CDK based application.

With this story we would like to provide a pipeline that follows the same steps for a Winglang based application.

Lock128 commented 1 month ago

How to approach this task?

Lock128 commented 1 month ago

As Wing transpiles to Terraform using "providers" (https://www.winglang.io/docs/category/platforms) we need a Winglang specific version of a Terraform Pipeline - let's create a Winlang pipeline that uses Terraform under the hood and then we decide on how to "abstract" this.