tainicom / Aether.Physics2D

2D collision detection system.
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Replace Portable packages. #110

Closed shmellyorc closed 2 years ago

shmellyorc commented 2 years ago

The main problem is using "portable packages". They are not being used any more and will make your lovely and awesome physics framework pretty obsolete. I had real carnage when I bought in any Aether packages from monogame 3.8 (not a prerelease, but the current version of monogame)

Past few years now since .net 5, Microsoft is been moving towards dotnet core and standard is their "ecosystems".

@nkast @tainicom Please review this, it is important: https://docs.monogame.net/articles/whats_new.html#removed-portable-assemblies

nkast commented 2 years ago

The portable package is used to build the library against the MonoGame API. Additionally the nuget of physics2D does not include the dependency to the portable MG library.

Probably one of your other libraries is leaking the wrong dll to the output directory, for example one of your libraries is referencing the MonoGame DX, while other libraries are referencing the MonoGame GL. You need to setup the content project so that the MonoGame dll does not get copied to the output directory.

The documentation above mention this as well and gives an example about setting PrivateAssets, ExcludeAssets, etc.