tainz / CommunityBridge

A Minecraft plugin for connecting your game to your website.
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UUID without hyphen (‐) #228

Open cancabron opened 9 years ago

cancabron commented 9 years ago

Im testing on Xenforo using:

http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/xenfororegister.1897/ + http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/xenforo-minecraft-uuid-name-change-handler.410/

The registration works perfectly INGAME and inserts the uuid in the database in a column uuid (VARCHAR 32)

It doesnt write any hyphen (ex. 9b376304ccdf43ce963a618840ed1c94) , and the communitybridge doesnt recognice the uuid.

Is there any way to read the uuid without hyphen?

TEKAA92 commented 9 years ago

I noticed this as well, I will do a check-up to see if this is necessary and if removed, if it conflicts with anything else in the code.

cancabron commented 9 years ago

Ok! All the plugins that saves UUID in mysql makes it without hyphens. It would be great! Thanks for your reply. :)

Fortifier42 commented 8 years ago

any updates on this?