tair-opensource / RedisShake

RedisShake is a Redis data processing and migration tool.
MIT License
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error=[ERR SELECT is not allowed in cluster mode] #869

Open PhilosophyYuan opened 1 month ago

PhilosophyYuan commented 1 month ago

问题描述(Issue Description)

Redis Sentinel迁移至Redis Cluster

Please provide a brief description of the issue you encountered.



2024-10-12 17:51:04 INF start syncing... 2024-10-12 17:51:09 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], hand shaking 2024-10-12 17:51:14 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], hand shaking 2024-10-12 17:51:19 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], hand shaking 2024-10-12 17:51:24 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], hand shaking 2024-10-12 17:51:29 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], hand shaking 2024-10-12 17:51:34 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], hand shaking 2024-10-12 17:51:39 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], hand shaking 2024-10-12 17:51:44 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], hand shaking 2024-10-12 17:51:49 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], hand shaking 2024-10-12 17:51:54 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], waiting bgsave 2024-10-12 17:51:59 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], waiting bgsave 2024-10-12 17:52:04 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], waiting bgsave 2024-10-12 17:52:09 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], waiting bgsave 2024-10-12 17:52:14 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], waiting bgsave 2024-10-12 17:52:19 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], waiting bgsave 2024-10-12 17:52:24 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], waiting bgsave 2024-10-12 17:52:29 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], waiting bgsave 2024-10-12 17:52:34 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], waiting bgsave 2024-10-12 17:52:39 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], waiting bgsave 2024-10-12 17:52:44 INF read_count=[0], read_ops=[0.00], write_count=[0], write_ops=[0.00], receiving rdb 2024-10-12 17:52:49 INF read_count=[149669], read_ops=[65605.56], write_count=[149668], write_ops=[65605.56], syncing rdb, size=[24 MiB/3.3 GiB] 2024-10-12 17:52:49 ERR [writer_172.28.0.212_6379] receive reply failed. cmd=[select 1], error=[ERR SELECT is not allowed in cluster mode] RedisShake/internal/writer/redis_standalone_writer.go:118 -> (*redisStandaloneWriter).processReply() runtime/asm_amd64.s:1650 -> goexit()

其他信息(Additional Information)


cluster = false            # set to true if source is a redis cluster
address = "xx.xx.xx.xx:6379" # when cluster is true, set address to one of the cluster node
username = ""              # keep empty if not using ACL
password = "xxxxx"              # keep empty if no authentication is required
tls = false                #
sync_rdb = true            # set to false if you don't want to sync rdb
sync_aof = true            # set to false if you don't want to sync aof
prefer_replica = false     # set to true if you want to sync from replica node
try_diskless = false       # set to true if you want to sync by socket and source repl-diskless-sync=yes

cluster = true            # set to true if target is a redis cluster
sentinel = false           # set to true if target is a redis sentinel
master = ""                # set to master name if target is a redis sentinel
address = "xx.xx.xx.xx:6379" # when cluster is true, set address to one of the cluster node
username = ""              # keep empty if not using ACL
password = "xxxxx"              # keep empty if no authentication is required
tls = false
off_reply = false          # turn off the server reply

# Allow keys with specific prefixes or suffixes
# Examples:
#   allow_key_prefix = ["user:", "product:"]
#   allow_key_suffix = [":active", ":valid"]
# Leave empty to allow all keys
allow_key_prefix = []
allow_key_suffix = []

# Block keys with specific prefixes or suffixes
# Examples:
#   block_key_prefix = ["temp:", "cache:"]
#   block_key_suffix = [":tmp", ":old"]
# Leave empty to block nothing
block_key_prefix = []
block_key_suffix = []

# Specify allowed and blocked database numbers (e.g., allow_db = [0, 1, 2], block_db = [3, 4, 5])
# Leave empty to allow all databases
allow_db = []
block_db = []

# Allow or block specific commands
# Examples:
#   allow_command = ["GET", "SET"]  # Only allow GET and SET commands
#   block_command = ["DEL", "FLUSHDB"]  # Block DEL and FLUSHDB commands
# Leave empty to allow all commands
allow_command = [] 
block_command = [] 

# Allow or block specific command groups
# Available groups:
# Examples:
#   allow_command_group = ["STRING", "HASH"]  # Only allow STRING and HASH commands
#   block_command_group = ["SCRIPTING", "PUBSUB"]  # Block SCRIPTING and PUBSUB commands
# Leave empty to allow all command groups
allow_command_group = [] 
block_command_group = [] 

# Function for custom data processing
# For best practices and examples, visit:
# https://tair-opensource.github.io/RedisShake/zh/function/best_practices.html
function = ""

dir = "data"
ncpu = 0        # runtime.GOMAXPROCS, 0 means use runtime.NumCPU() cpu cores
pprof_port = 0  # pprof port, 0 means disable
status_port = 0 # status port, 0 means disable

# log
log_file = "shake.log"
log_level = "info"     # debug, info or warn
log_interval = 5       # in seconds

# redis-shake gets key and value from rdb file, and uses RESTORE command to
# create the key in target redis. Redis RESTORE will return a "Target key name
# is busy" error when key already exists. You can use this configuration item
# to change the default behavior of restore:
# panic:   redis-shake will stop when meet "Target key name is busy" error.
# rewrite: redis-shake will replace the key with new value.
# skip:  redis-shake will skip restore the key when meet "Target key name is busy" error.
rdb_restore_command_behavior = "panic" # panic, rewrite or skip

# redis-shake uses pipeline to improve sending performance.
# Adjust this value based on the destination Redis performance:
# - Higher values may improve performance for capable destinations.
# - Lower values are recommended for destinations with poor performance.
# 1024 is a good default value for most cases.
pipeline_count_limit = 1024

# This setting corresponds to the 'client-query-buffer-limit' in Redis configuration.
# The default value is typically 1GB. 
# It's recommended not to modify this value unless absolutely necessary.
target_redis_client_max_querybuf_len = 1073741824  # 1GB in bytes

# This setting corresponds to the 'proto-max-bulk-len' in Redis configuration.
# It defines the maximum size of a single string element in the Redis protocol.
# The value must be 1MB or greater. Default is 512MB.
# It's recommended not to modify this value unless absolutely necessary.
target_redis_proto_max_bulk_len = 512_000_000

# If the source is Elasticache, you can set this item. AWS ElastiCache has custom 
# psync command, which can be obtained through a ticket.
aws_psync = "" # example: aws_psync = ","

# destination will delete itself entire database before fetching files
# from source during full synchronization.
# This option is similar redis replicas RDB diskless load option:
#   repl-diskless-load on-empty-db
empty_db_before_sync = false

# The data format for BF.LOADCHUNK is not compatible in different versions. v2.6.3 <=> 20603
target_mbbloom_version = 20603

Please provide any additional information, such as configuration files, error messages, or screenshots.

2822132073 commented 1 month ago

redis集群模式不支持多db,可以自己修改shake的源码,将数据同步到一个集群模式的db0 The Redis cluster mode does not support multiple databases. You can modify the source code of shake by yourself and synchronize the data to db0 in a cluster mode.