taisei-project / taisei

A free and open-source Touhou Project fangame
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Cutscene dialogue disappears too quickly #385

Open bergfried opened 1 week ago

bergfried commented 1 week ago

First of all, thanks for this awesome game! (I'm trying since 1.3 but never managed to beat it but who cares as long as I'm having fun?! ;D)

The text that appears during the cutscenes (for example, when replaying the intro in the Media Room), however, is unenjoyable in my case. It seems that the only text visible at any time during the cutscene is the part of the text that is being animated. As soon as the animation stops, the new line of text that just appeared disappears immediately as a whole. When I press a button, only the next part appears, but, again, only for as long as it is being animated.

When the screen should be full of text, I presume (because I do not see any text at all at that moment) that pressing a button is supposed to make it disappear. What actually happens is that it reappears in its entirety, just so it can disappear with a nice animation.

In other words, I never get the time to read a line of text after it has been animated into existence. It's either part of some animation or not there at all. Keeping the Ctrl key pressed filles the whole screen with text because and/or while it is being animated. Even then, lines that are not being animated anymore will disappear quickly. IIRC, even short new lines at the bottom will completely disappear while the old text above it is still there, visibly vanishing.

I tried some input and video options but to no avail. Fullscreen and various special effects do not seem to make a difference, neither does turning off gamepad input.

Terminal output:

W: config>config_set: Unknown setting 'fullscreen_desktop_mode'
W: config>config_set: Unknown setting 'vid_late_swap'
W: config>config_set: Unknown setting 'gamepad_axis_lr_free_sensitivity'
W: config>config_set: Unknown setting 'gamepad_axis_ud_free_sensitivity'
W: renderer/glcommon/opengl>glcommon_ext_texture_format_rg8_srgb: Extension not supported
W: renderer/glcommon/opengl>glcommon_ext_texture_format_etc1: Extension not supported
W: renderer/glcommon/opengl>glcommon_ext_texture_format_etc1_srgb: Extension not supported
W: renderer/glcommon/opengl>glcommon_ext_texture_format_pvrtc: Extension not supported
W: renderer/glcommon/opengl>glcommon_ext_texture_format_pvrtc2: Extension not supported
W: renderer/glcommon/opengl>glcommon_ext_texture_format_pvrtc_srgb: Extension not supported
W: renderer/glcommon/opengl>glcommon_ext_texture_format_atc: Extension not supported
W: renderer/glcommon/opengl>glcommon_ext_texture_format_fxt1: Extension not supported
E: util/kvparser>parse_keyvalue_file_cb: VFS error: Node 'res/shader/global.pp' does not exist
E: resource>load_resource_finish: Failed to load postprocessing pipeline 'global' from 'res/shader/global.pp'
taskmgr:global/23  W: resource/texture_loader/basisu>texture_loader_basisu_sanitize_levels: abstract_brown: Mip level 1 dimensions are not multiples of 4 (600x762); number of levels reduced 11 -> 1
taskmgr:global/26  W: resource/texture_loader/basisu>texture_loader_basisu_sanitize_levels: menu/mainmenubg: Mip level 2 dimensions are not multiples of 4 (450x300); number of levels reduced 11 -> 2
taskmgr:global/41  W: resource/texture_loader/basisu>texture_loader_basisu_sanitize_levels: marisa_bombbg: Mip level 2 dimensions are not multiples of 4 (480x262); number of levels reduced 11 -> 2
taskmgr:global/28  W: resource/texture_loader/basisu>texture_loader_basisu_sanitize_levels: stage3/spellbg2: Mip level 2 dimensions are not multiples of 4 (162x150); number of levels reduced 10 -> 2
taskmgr:global/41  W: resource/texture_loader/basisu>texture_loader_basisu_sanitize_levels: cutscenes/opening/01: Mip level 3 dimensions are not multiples of 4 (200x150); number of levels reduced 11 -> 3
taskmgr:global/27  W: resource/texture_loader/basisu>texture_loader_basisu_sanitize_levels: cutscenes/opening/02: Mip level 3 dimensions are not multiples of 4 (200x150); number of levels reduced 11 -> 3
taskmgr:global/39  W: resource/texture_loader/basisu>texture_loader_basisu_sanitize_levels: cutscenes/locations/hakurei: Mip level 3 dimensions are not multiples of 4 (200x150); number of levels reduced 11 -> 3
taskmgr:global/11  W: resource/texture_loader/basisu>texture_loader_basisu_sanitize_levels: cutscenes/reimu_bad/01: Mip level 3 dimensions are not multiples of 4 (200x150); number of levels reduced 11 -> 3
taskmgr:global/4   W: resource/texture_loader/basisu>texture_loader_basisu_sanitize_levels: cutscenes/opening/04: Mip level 3 dimensions are not multiples of 4 (200x150); number of levels reduced 11 -> 3
taskmgr:global/31  W: resource/texture_loader/basisu>texture_loader_basisu_sanitize_levels: cutscenes/opening/03: Mip level 3 dimensions are not multiples of 4 (200x150); number of levels reduced 11 -> 3
W: resource>_res_get_prehashed: bgm 'intro' was not preloaded
W: resource>_res_get_prehashed: shader program 'text_cutscene' was not preloaded
W: resource>_res_get_prehashed: shader program 'blur9' was not preloaded
W: resource>_res_get_prehashed: shader program 'cutscene' was not preloaded
W: resource>_res_get_prehashed: texture 'cutscenes/paper' was not preloaded
W: resource/texture_loader/basisu>texture_loader_basisu_sanitize_levels: cutscenes/paper: Mip level 3 dimensions are not multiples of 4 (200x150); number of levels reduced 11 -> 3

Using 1.4.1 on Arch Linux (native), see PKGBUILD for details: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/taisei

Akaricchi commented 1 week ago

Are you on nvidia by any chance? Sounds like it could be a shader bug (or a driver bug…). Can you please post your ~/.local/share/taisei/log.txt?

bergfried commented 1 week ago

Are you on nvidia by any chance?

Nope, all AMD.

Can you please post your ~/.local/share/taisei/log.txt?

taisei.log.txt (slightly redacted)