taiya / dgp

Digital Geometry Processing - Fall 2016 - University of Victoria
38 stars 11 forks source link

[2% bonus] Constrained DT and Refinement #15

Open taiya opened 7 years ago

taiya commented 7 years ago

In the class matlab folder you can find ex_delaunay.m that realizes the algorithm described on this slide:

screenshot 2016-11-02 13 07 29

The two tasks for this bonus question are (1% each):

1) modify the script above to compute the constrained Delaunay triangulation of an input closed boundary (e.g. use dragon.mat)

screenshot 2016-11-02 13 10 19

2) modify the script to compute the Delaunay refinement (with a given triangle quality criteria):

screenshot 2016-11-02 13 11 52

The results of the two steps should be analogous to the two bottom images in this figure:

screenshot 2016-11-02 13 13 24

Note: if you intend to attempt working on this bonus, please declare your intention by replying to this issue. Only one correct implementation will be accepted.