TriggerOneActionOnly (bool) - Whether to trigger only the first action that satisfies a condition. Default: false
[Conditions] - At least one condition (or 0 if none specified) must be satisfied in order for this gesture to be triggered.
[$ConditionId] (int) - Unique ID for this condition.
Negate (bool) - If true, this condition will be satisfied only when none of its specified properties are. Default: false
WindowClassRegex (string) - A regular expression executed on the currently focused window's resource class and resource name. If a match is not found for either, the condition will not be satisfied. Default: none
WindowState (enum) - Fullscreen, Maximized. Values can be combined using the | separator, For example, Fullscreen|Maximized will match either fullscreen or maximized windows. Default: none
[Conditions] - Same as [Gestures][\$Device][$Gesture][Conditions], but only applied to this action.
Changed entries
[Gestures][$Device][$Gesture] WindowRegex - Renamed and moved to [Gestures][$Device][$Gesture][Conditions][$Condition] WindowClassRegex and [Gestures][$Device][$Gesture][Actions][$Action][Conditions][$Condition] WindowClassRegex.
[Gestures][$Device][$Gesture], [Gestures][$Device][$Gesture][Actions][$Action] - Types of $Gesture and $Action were changed from string to int due to KConfig returning groups in a random order. You can instead use comments (starting with #) anywhere to make your configuration more readable.
Closes #3.
Configuration file structure changes
New entries
Default: false
Default: false
Default: none
. Values can be combined using the | separator, For example,Fullscreen|Maximized
will match either fullscreen or maximized windows.Default: none
Changed entries