tajmone / hugo-book

AsciiDoc reprint of "The HUGO Book"
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Game Transcripts: Adopt Hugo Engine Native Colors #5

Open tajmone opened 5 years ago

tajmone commented 5 years ago

POSTPONEDThis potential improvement is postponed after the 1st release of the book.

Try using for game transcript blocks the default colour scheme of the Hugo interpreter.

Hugo Engine default colour scheme

Its colours are a bit intense and darkish but, if they don't clash excessively with the overall colours of the book, it would be preferable to use the colours of Hugo's native terp, for they'd look more familiar to the reader, and also give an extra touch of «Hugoness» to the overall publication.

terp element hex RGB
Main background #00007F 0, 0, 127
Main text #CFCFCF 207, 207, 207
Status background #000000 0, 0, 0
Status text #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
tajmone commented 5 years ago

See also #6 for some arguments in favor of adopting a custom colour scheme instead.

I might ultimately adapt the original scheme to better fit-in with the other colours used in the book template, so that transcripts could still maintain a familiar look associated with the Hugo Engine, but also harmonize with the rest of the colours.

tajmone commented 5 years ago

So far, all my attempts to use a scheme based on the default Hugo Engine colours didn't produce satisfying results; no matter how much I tweak them, they're always at odds with the rest of the book colours.

It might be better to just stick to the current custom scheme for transcripts, which has light pastel colours and is easy to read.