tajo / react-movable

🔀 Drag and drop for your React lists and tables. Accessible. Tiny.
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React Movable makes it hard to write tests in Next.js (with Jest) #94

Closed ChrisVilches closed 2 months ago

ChrisVilches commented 1 year ago

When including this library in a React component using Next.js, this error appears:

({"Object.<anonymous>":function(module,exports,require,__dirname,__filename,jest){import List from './List.js';

SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

This hadn't happened to me with any of the many other libraries I had imported in the frontend of my project.

To be honest I'm not sure what would be the solution here. Maybe re-arrange the way files are exported/imported inside the library.

Current Workaround

In my jest.config.mjs file, I changed the way the config is exported. Note that in Next.js the convention is to use nextJest to generate the configuration object, and to export an async function.

import nextJest from 'next/jest.js';

const createJestConfig = nextJest({
  // Provide the path to your Next.js app to load next.config.js and .env files in your test environment
  dir: './',

// Add any custom config to be passed to Jest
/** @type {import('jest').Config} */
const config = {
  setupFilesAfterEnv: ['<rootDir>/jest.setup.ts'],
  testEnvironment: "jest-environment-jsdom"

async function jestConfig(...args) {
  const nextJestConfig = await createJestConfig(config)(...args)

  // HERE, don't ignore react-movable when transforming files.

  nextJestConfig.transformIgnorePatterns = nextJestConfig.transformIgnorePatterns.map(pattern => {
    if (pattern === '/node_modules/') {
      return '/node_modules(?!/react-movable)/'
    return pattern

  return nextJestConfig

export default jestConfig

Then run Jest and it works.

kunalphaltankar commented 1 year ago

I faced the same issue when I was running the test case using Jest with Storybook.

Simply adding "transformIgnorePatterns": ["/node_modules(?!/react-movable)/"] in jest configuration in Package.json solved my problem.

tajo commented 2 months ago

Jest is just difficult with pure ESM modules. I recommend using vitest. @kunalphaltankar workaround is also fine.