takac / vim-hardtime

Plugin to help you stop repeating the basic movement keys
MIT License
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Enable blocked keys back immediatly after somehting else has been entered #27

Closed ccolorado closed 8 years ago

ccolorado commented 9 years ago

There are some use cases when you are ready to move your cursor right after a keystroke but before the hard time timeout has expired.

takac commented 8 years ago

Not a valid usecase for this plugin.

vegerot commented 4 years ago

I was thinking about something like list_of_resetting_keys, but it's every non-movement key. Essentially, this plugin just stops me from repeating bad keys in a ROW instead of disabling them entirely. That way I could do jj5j (I use j once to move down, the second j throws an error, so I press 5j to do it right). The 5 there resets it. Or if I want to start a visual selection starting from one line down to the next line I could do j^Vj, the ^V resets it. Or pretty much anything else, so long as I don't have two j, h, k, l in a row.