takahirox / tiny-web-metaverse

A web-based 3D virtual space lightweight framework with high flexibility, extensibility, and easy hosting, built on ECS architecture
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Consider the chance of that resource can be shared when cleaning up #36

Open takahirox opened 9 months ago

takahirox commented 9 months ago

Cleaning up system code is like

const fooExitQuery = exitQuery(defineQuery([FooComponent]));

export const fooSystem = (world: IWorld): void => {
  fooExitQuery(world).forEach(eid => {
    const proxy = FooProxy.get(eid);
    const foo = proxy.foo;

Consider the change of that resource can be shared. For example, foo.close() should be called only if it isn't referenced from somewhere else. We may need reference count?

takahirox commented 8 months ago

An idea

// utils/reference.ts
const referenceCounts: Map<Object, number> = new Map();

export const referenceCountUp = (obj: Object): number => {
  if (!referenceCounts.has(obj)) {
    referenceCounts.set(obj, 0);
  const newCount = referenceCounts.get(obj)! + 1;
  referenceCounts.set(obj, newCount);
  return newCount;

export const referenceCountDown = (obj: Object): number => {
  const newCount = referenceCounts.get(obj)! - 1;
  if (newCount === 0) {
  } else {
    referenceCounts.set(obj, newCount);
  return newCount;

// Somewhere for creation
import { referenceCountUp } from "utils/reference";

const foo = new Foo();
addComponent(world, FooComponent, eid);

// Somewhere for deletion
import { referenceCountDown } from "utils/reference";

const proxy = FooProxy.get(eid);
const foo = proxy.foo;
if (referenceCountDown(foo) === 0) {
removeComponent(world, Foo, eid);