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No Table of Contents on Mobile Devices for Prompt Engineering Pages #46

Closed 404missinglink closed 1 month ago

404missinglink commented 1 month ago

The /prompt-engineering/* pages on mobile devices do not display a table of contents (ToC), unlike the desktop version which features a side menu for navigating through H2 tags. This absence of a ToC on mobile makes it challenging to navigate longer pages and find specific sections.


Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open the /prompt-engineering/* pages on a mobile device.
  2. Attempt to find a table of contents or side menu for navigating sections.
  3. Compare the experience with the desktop version, where a ToC is available.

Observed Behavior:

Expected Behavior:

Potential Fix:

Additional Information:

Priority: [High]

404missinglink commented 1 month ago

I've examined the issue on the /prompt-engineering/* pages where there is no Table of Contents (ToC) on mobile devices, unlike the desktop version that features a side menu for navigating through H2 tags. This inconsistency between desktop and mobile views significantly hampers usability, making it challenging for users to navigate through longer pages or locate specific sections.

Proposed Solution:

  1. Progress Bar as ToC: Introduce a progress bar on the right-hand side that also serves as a dynamic ToC. It could highlight sections as the user scrolls, offering an intuitive and minimalistic way to navigate through the content without overwhelming the mobile interface.

  2. Sliding Menu: Alternatively, a sliding menu could be implemented. This menu would provide a compact and accessible way to access the ToC, adapting seamlessly to various screen sizes and orientations.

Implementation Suggestions:

Additional Considerations:

404missinglink commented 1 month ago

I've pushed an update to the Mobile-TOC branch that addresses the navigation issues discussed in this ticket. The update includes a temporary implementation of a mobile-specific Table of Contents. This ToC is rendered as a sticky sidebar that appears only on mobile devices to enhance the usability of our site on smaller screens.

You can view the changes in commit [commit hash/link] on the Mobile-TOC branch. This implementation is intended as an interim solution while we continue refining the mobile user experience. Feedback on this update is welcomed to ensure it meets our users' needs effectively.

Please review the changes and provide any feedback or further requirements you might have. Let’s aim for a robust and user-friendly navigation solution.
