takaram / kofam_scan

CLI tool to annotate genes with KOfam
MIT License
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is kofam scan running correctly - tmp directory #18

Open soilmicrobiome opened 3 years ago

soilmicrobiome commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

I am just updated kofam 1.2 to 1.3, running on a HPC. Usually when i run the program the tmp directory that is created disappears after the job has finished. In the new version 1.3 - the job finishes but the tmp directory is still there. Is this normal? My slurm file has no debugging info so i can't check if everything completed correctly.

I complied the program on our HPC as follows: virtualenv ~/kofamscan module load gcc/7.3.0 nixpkgs/16.09 hmmer/3.2.1 ruby/2.6.1 parallel/20160722 source kofamscan/bin/activate

cd kofamscan/bin wget ftp://ftp.genome.jp/pub/tools/kofam_scan/kofam_scan-1.3.0.tar.gz tar xvzf kofam_scan-1.3.0.tar.gz mkdir db cd db wget ftp://ftp.genome.jp/pub/db/kofam/ko_list.gz wget ftp://ftp.genome.jp/pub/db/kofam/profiles.tar.gz gunzip ko_list.gz tar xvzf profiles.tar.gz

Edit config.yml - added paths to ko and profiles.

I am running the program as follows:


SBATCH --mem=xxxx

SBATCH --nodes=1

SBATCH --account=xxx

SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32

SBATCH --time=0-23:59

SBATCH --job-name=xxx

module load gcc/7.3.0 nixpkgs/16.09 hmmer/3.2.1 ruby/2.6.1 parallel/20160722 source /home/user/kofamscan/bin/activate /home/user/kofamscan/bin/kofam_scan-1.3.0/./exec_annotation -o /path_to_output_dir/kofamscan.txt /path_to_orf_file/xxx.faa --tmp-dir=DIR