takaram / kofam_scan

CLI tool to annotate genes with KOfam
MIT License
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ruby/2.6.0/open3.rb:213:in `spawn': Permission denied (Errno::EACCES) #2

Closed Jigyasa3 closed 4 years ago

Jigyasa3 commented 4 years ago

Hey @takaram

I am running the kofam_scan software giving the paths to parallel, hmmsearch to config.yml file. But I am getting the following error-

my config.yml file-

profile: /work/student/jigyasa-arora/kofamscan/db/profiles

Path to the KO list file

ko_list: /work/student/jigyasa-arora/kofamscan/db/ko_list

Path to an executable file of hmmsearch

You do not have to set this if it is in your $PATH

hmmsearch: /apps/free72/hmmer/3.1b2/bin

Path to an executable file of GNU parallel

You do not have to set this if it is in your $PATH

parallel: /home/j/jigyasa-arora/local/parallel-20191022/src

the code I am running-

$/work/student/jigyasa-arora/kofamscan/bin/kofamscan-1.1.0/exec_annotation -o 230-01-kopfam 230-01-prokka.faa


Traceback (most recent call last): 8: from /work/student/jigyasa-arora/kofamscan/bin/kofamscan-1.1.0/exec_annotation:7:in <main>' 7: from /work/student/jigyasa-arora/kofamscan/bin/kofamscan-1.1.0/lib/kofam_scan/cli.rb:21:inrun' 6: from /work/student/jigyasa-arora/kofamscan/bin/kofamscan-1.1.0/lib/kofam_scan/executor.rb:8:in execute' 5: from /work/student/jigyasa-arora/kofamscan/bin/kofamscan-1.1.0/lib/kofam_scan/executor.rb:35:inexecute' 4: from /work/student/jigyasa-arora/kofamscan/bin/kofamscan-1.1.0/lib/kofam_scan/executor.rb:74:in run_hmmsearch' 3: from /work/student/jigyasa-arora/kofamscan/bin/kofamscan-1.1.0/lib/kofam_scan/parallel.rb:27:inexec' 2: from /home/j/jigyasa-arora/lib/ruby/2.6.0/open3.rb:101:in popen3' 1: from /home/j/jigyasa-arora/lib/ruby/2.6.0/open3.rb:213:inpopen_run' /home/j/jigyasa-arora/lib/ruby/2.6.0/open3.rb:213:in `spawn': Permission denied - /home/j/jigyasa-arora/local/parallel-20191022 (Errno::EACCES)

takaram commented 4 years ago

You have to give the path of the command file instead of directory in which the command is located. In your case, hmmsearch: /apps/free72/hmmer/3.1b2/bin/hmmsearch and parallel: /home/j/jigyasa-arora/local/parallel-20191022/src/parallel are the correct setting.

Jigyasa3 commented 4 years ago

Thank you it's working now!