takaram / kofam_scan

CLI tool to annotate genes with KOfam
MIT License
66 stars 11 forks source link

config.rb:26:in `initialize': undefined method `map' for "profile:profiles":String (NoMethodError) }.merge(initial_values.map { |k, v| [k.intern, v] }.to_h) Did you mean? tap #38

Open 11916090 opened 4 months ago

11916090 commented 4 months ago

Hi, i set and download kofam_scan-1.3.0 as follow steps: conda create -n kofamscan conda activate kofamscan conda install -c conda-forge ruby conda install -c bioconda hmmer conda install -c conda-forge parallel

mkdir KofamKOALA && cd KofamKOALA wget https://www.genome.jp/ftp/db/kofam/ko_list.gz wget https://www.genome.jp/ftp/db/kofam/profiles.tar.gz gunzip ko_list.gz tar -xzvf profiles.tar.gz

but when i run "exec_annotation -o Dlongan.querryko --cpu 2 --format mapper -E 1e-5 d.pep.fasta " report an error as follws: config.rb:26:in initialize': undefined methodmap' for "/path/profiles":String (NoMethodError) }.merge(initial_values.map { |k, v| [k.intern, v] }.to_h) ^^^^ Did you mean? tap

I have no idea how to slove this problem, can you give me some help, thanks.


Betula0422 commented 1 month ago

Hi there, I have encountered the same problem with you. Have you solved the problem?