takasurazeem / QuranMajeed

This app will help you create Quiz for your students if you teach The Quran. This app will grow in features ان شاء اللہ تَعَالٰی
MIT License
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Type Mismatch Error: Cannot convert value of type 'QuizView.ViewModel' to expected argument type 'Sura' #47

Closed MohammadArsalan97 closed 6 months ago

MohammadArsalan97 commented 6 months ago

I am encountering a type mismatch error in the app when attempting to pass a value of type 'QuizView.ViewModel' to a View that expects an argument of type 'Sura'. This error is preventing the app from compiling successfully.

Screenshot 2023-12-31 at 3 09 37 AM
codeautopilot[bot] commented 6 months ago
# Bug severity
<!--- The bug is critical as it prevents the app from compiling successfully, which means the app cannot be built or run until the issue is resolved. -->

# What is causing this bug?
<!--- The bug is caused by a type mismatch where a value of type 'QuizView.ViewModel' is being passed to a view or function that expects a value of type 'Sura'. This could be happening at the point where the 'QuizView' is being initialized or presented, and the incorrect type is being provided as an argument. -->

# Potential solution
<!--- The solution involves identifying where the 'QuizView' is being initialized or presented and ensuring that the correct type is passed to it. This will likely require reviewing the code that handles the navigation and presentation logic to find where the 'QuizView.ViewModel' is incorrectly used in place of a 'Sura' object. -->

# Code
<!--- Since the specific location of the bug is not provided in the file-level reports, the code snippet cannot be given. However, the general approach would be to locate the code segment where 'QuizView' is being initialized or presented and correct the argument being passed to it. For example:

// Incorrect initialization or presentation
let quizView = QuizView(viewModel: QuizView.ViewModel())

// Corrected initialization or presentation (assuming 'sura' is the correct 'Sura' object)
let quizView = QuizView(sura: sura)

The exact code will depend on how the 'QuizView' is expected to be initialized with a 'Sura' object in the app's context. -->

How to replicate the bug

  <summary>Changes on QuranMajeed/Quiz/Main/View/Surah/SuraListView.swift</summary>

  After reviewing the `SuraListView.swift` file, it appears that the view is correctly handling the selection of a `Sura` and updating the `selectedSura` binding with the correct type. The `SuraListView` struct has a binding to a `Sura` object, and when a sura is tapped in the list, the `selectedSura` is set to that sura, and the view is dismissed.

The `searchResults` computed property is filtering the `suras` array based on the search text entered by the user, and it is correctly returning an array of `Sura` objects. The `List` view iterates over the `searchResults` and creates a `VStack` with a `SuraNameView` for each sura. The `onTapGesture` modifier is used to update the `selectedSura` binding and dismiss the view.

There is no indication in this file that a `QuizView.ViewModel` is being passed to a view that expects a `Sura`. The issue described in the ticket seems to be related to a different part of the codebase where the `QuizView` is initialized or used. This file is handling `Sura` objects as expected, and there is no type mismatch in the code provided.

In conclusion, the `SuraListView.swift` file does not appear to be the source of the type mismatch error described in the ticket. The issue likely lies elsewhere, possibly in the code that is attempting to initialize or present the `QuizView` with an incorrect type.


  <summary>Changes on QuranMajeed/Quiz/Main/View/Quiz/QuizView.swift</summary>

  After reviewing the source code for `QuizView.swift` in the QuranMajeed app, it appears that the `QuizView` struct is correctly defined with a `@StateObject` of type `ViewModel`. There is no direct indication in this file that a `Sura` type is expected or used within the `QuizView`. The `QuizView` is primarily concerned with setting up the user interface for the quiz, including the `QuizPreparationViewSteps` and a toolbar with language and theme options.

The `QuizView` does not seem to be the source of the type mismatch error described in the ticket. The error message indicates that a `QuizView.ViewModel` is being passed somewhere a `Sura` is expected. Since this file does not show where the `QuizView` is being initialized or how the `viewModel` is being passed to other views, we cannot directly identify the cause of the type mismatch error from this file alone.

The issue likely lies in another part of the codebase where the `QuizView` is being used or where the `viewModel` is being passed to a view that expects a `Sura`. It is recommended to look at the places where `QuizView` is instantiated and check the parameters being passed to it. The other files mentioned in the plan (SuraListView.swift and QuizViewModel.swift) should be reviewed to ensure that they are handling the types correctly and to find where the incorrect type is being passed.

In summary, this file does not contain the cause of the bug, and further investigation is needed in the other files where `QuizView` and its `ViewModel` are being used.


  <summary>Changes on QuranMajeed/Quiz/Main/ViewModel/QuizViewModel.swift</summary>

  After reviewing the `QuizViewModel.swift` file, it appears that the `ViewModel` class is designed to manage the state and logic for a quiz feature within the Quran app. The class is responsible for loading suras (chapters) and verses from the Quran, managing selected verses for translation and word meaning quizzes, and handling user interactions such as expanding sections and deleting selected verses.

The `ViewModel` class is an extension of `QuizView`, which suggests that it is tightly coupled with the view that presents the quiz. The class uses `@Published` properties to allow the view to react to changes in the state, such as the selected surah, verses, and quiz questions.

The `ViewModel` is initialized with a `QuranRepository`, which is used to fetch data from the Quran, such as suras and translations. The `start` function asynchronously loads the suras and the verses of the first surah.

The `ViewModel` also contains logic to manage the selection of verses for translation and word meaning quizzes. When the selected verses for word meaning are updated, it processes the text to extract unique words for the quiz.

Regarding the type mismatch error reported in the ticket, the `ViewModel` class is designed to work with `Sura` and `Verse` types, and it does not seem to be directly related to the type mismatch error described. The error states that a `QuizView.ViewModel` is being passed to a view that expects a `Sura`. This suggests that the issue might be occurring where the `QuizView` is being initialized or presented.

Since the `ViewModel` class itself does not appear to be the source of the type mismatch, the problem likely lies in the code that is responsible for creating and presenting the `QuizView`. The error might be occurring in a part of the code where a `QuizView.ViewModel` is being passed to a constructor or function that expects a `Sura` object instead.

To resolve the issue, the code that presents the `QuizView` should be reviewed to ensure that it is passing the correct type (`Sura`) to the view. This might involve checking the view that is presenting the `QuizView` and ensuring that it has the correct data to pass along.

In summary, the `QuizViewModel.swift` file does not seem to contain the cause of the type mismatch error. The issue is likely in the code that initializes or presents the `QuizView`, which should be passing a `Sura` object instead of a `QuizView.ViewModel`.



_Disclaimer: This comment was entirely generated using AI. Be aware that the information provided may be incorrect._

Current plan usage: 9.13%

**Have feedback or need help?**

takasurazeem commented 6 months ago

Please remove this line of code @MohammadArsalan97. Thanks for catching it.

takasurazeem commented 6 months ago

git fetch origin git checkout 47-type-mismatch-error-cannot-convert-value-of-type-quizviewviewmodel-to-expected-argument-type-sura