takasurazeem / QuranMajeed

This app will help you create Quiz for your students if you teach The Quran. This app will grow in features ان شاء اللہ تَعَالٰی
MIT License
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Create a proof of concept to add Quran-iOS to this project. #57

Open takasurazeem opened 5 months ago

takasurazeem commented 5 months ago

A dashboard where users can either jump into the quiz module or to the Quran-iOS app. We might already have Quran-iOS added via SPM and just need to find a better way to navigate users to the app.

codeautopilot[bot] commented 5 months ago

Potential solution

The task involves integrating the Quran-iOS app into the existing QuranMajeed app, allowing users to navigate between the quiz module and the Quran-iOS app. The solution requires ensuring that the Quran-iOS module is properly initialized, accessible within the app's lifecycle, and that the user interface provides a clear navigation option to access the Quran-iOS features.

How to implement

  1. Initialization and Lifecycle Support in QuranMajeedApp.swift:

    • Verify if the Quran-iOS module requires specific initialization and add it to the init() method.
    • Ensure that the app's lifecycle events support the integration with the Quran-iOS module.
    import SwiftUI
    import Quran // Assuming 'Quran' is the module name for Quran-iOS
    struct QuranMajeedApp: App {
       var body: some Scene {
           WindowGroup {
       init() {
           // Example: QuranService.shared.initialize()
           // Replace with actual initialization code if required.
  2. User Interface Changes in ApplicationMainView.swift:

    • Import the Quran-iOS module if necessary.
    • Add a button or navigation link to present the Quran-iOS view.
    import SwiftUI
    // Import the Quran-iOS module if needed
    // import Quran_iOS
    struct ApplicationMainView: View {
       @State private var isQuranViewPresented = false
       var body: some View {
           NavigationView {
               VStack {
                   // Existing QuizView
                   // ... existing code ...
                   // Button to navigate to the Quran-iOS module
                   Button(action: {
                       self.isQuranViewPresented = true
                   }) {
                       Text("Go to Quran")
                   .sheet(isPresented: $isQuranViewPresented) {
                       // Replace with the actual Quran-iOS view
                       Text("Quran-iOS View Goes Here")
    // Preview
    // ... existing code ...
  3. Package Dependency Verification in Package.resolved:

    • Confirm that the Quran-iOS package is listed with the correct version or revision.
    • If a specific version is preferred, update the Package.swift file accordingly and resolve dependencies again.
  4. Project Configuration Verification in project.pbxproj:

    • Ensure that the XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference, XCSwiftPackageProductDependency, and PBXFrameworksBuildPhase sections correctly reference the Quran-iOS package and its products.
    • No action is needed if the package is correctly integrated.

By following these steps, the QuranMajeed app will have a new navigation option that allows users to access the Quran-iOS module, providing a seamless experience between the quiz module and the Quran-iOS app.

Click here to create a Pull Request with the proposed solution

Files used for this task:

Changes on QuranMajeed/QuranQuizApp.swift The `QuranMajeedApp.swift` file appears to be the main application file for the QuranMajeed app. The task at hand is to ensure that the Quran-iOS module is initialized correctly if needed and that the app's lifecycle supports the integration. Based on the provided source code, here's a plan to address the task for this file: 1. **Initialization Check**: Verify if the Quran-iOS module requires any specific initialization code. If it does, this should be added to the `init()` method of the `QuranMajeedApp` struct. This might involve setting up any necessary configurations or initializing services that the Quran-iOS module depends on. 2. **Lifecycle Support**: Ensure that the app's lifecycle events are properly managed to support the integration with the Quran-iOS module. This could involve handling any deep links, notifications, or other events that are relevant to the Quran-iOS module. 3. **Integration Point**: Since the task involves modifying the view to include a navigation option to the Quran-iOS app, you should ensure that the `ApplicationMainView()` is capable of presenting the Quran-iOS module. This might involve adding a new button or menu item that, when tapped, will navigate to the Quran-iOS module. However, the actual UI changes should be made in the `ApplicationMainView.swift` file, not in this file. 4. **Debugging Information**: The current code includes a debug overlay that shows memory usage. Ensure that this does not interfere with the integration of the Quran-iOS module. If necessary, adjust the debug overlay to accommodate the new navigation option. 5. **Testing**: After making any necessary changes, thoroughly test the app to ensure that the integration with the Quran-iOS module works as expected. This includes testing the navigation to the Quran-iOS module and verifying that all features work correctly within the context of the QuranMajeed app. 6. **Documentation**: Update any documentation within the app to reflect the changes made for the integration with the Quran-iOS module. This helps future developers understand the integration points and any specific considerations that were taken into account. In summary, for this file, the main focus is to ensure that any necessary initialization for the Quran-iOS module is performed and that the app's lifecycle is managed to support the integration. The actual UI changes for navigation will be handled in the `ApplicationMainView.swift` file.
Changes on QuranMajeed/QuranMajeedApp.swift Since `QuranMajeed/QuranMajeedApp.swift` is a new file and contains no source code, we need to create the main entry point for the application. This will involve setting up the SwiftUI App lifecycle and integrating the Quran-iOS module. Here's a practical proposal for what the `QuranMajeedApp.swift` file should contain to support the integration: ```swift import SwiftUI import Quran // Assuming 'Quran' is the module name for Quran-iOS @main struct QuranMajeedApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ApplicationMainView() // This is the main view that should have the navigation option to the Quran-iOS app. } } // Initialize any services or perform any setup required for Quran-iOS module init() { // Example: QuranService.shared.initialize() // Replace with actual initialization code if the Quran-iOS module requires it. } } ``` In this code snippet, we import the `Quran` module, which is assumed to be the name of the Quran-iOS package. We define the `QuranMajeedApp` struct conforming to the `App` protocol, which is the starting point for a SwiftUI application. The `body` property defines the scene for the app, which contains the `ApplicationMainView`. This view should be modified to include the navigation option to the Quran-iOS app as described in the task for the `ApplicationMainView.swift` file. The `init()` method is where you would perform any necessary initialization for the Quran-iOS module. This is just a placeholder, and you would need to replace it with actual code required by the Quran-iOS module if any initialization is needed. Since the file is currently empty, you would need to add the above code to `QuranMajeed/QuranMajeedApp.swift` to create the main entry point for the application and ensure that the app's lifecycle supports the integration of the Quran-iOS module.
Changes on Al-Tanzeel.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/Package.resolved The `Package.resolved` file lists all the dependencies of the project along with their resolved versions and revisions. This file is used by Swift Package Manager (SPM) to ensure that the project uses the exact versions of the dependencies that were tested and known to work. For the task at hand, we need to verify that the `Quran-iOS` package is listed with the correct version. Looking at the provided source code of the `Package.resolved` file, we can see that the `Quran-iOS` package is indeed listed: ```json { "identity" : "quran-ios", "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "https://github.com/quran/quran-ios", "state" : { "revision" : "3954626c8a2f209913aa9da8f60417cf99bce154" } }, ``` However, there is no version number specified for the `Quran-iOS` package. This could mean that the package is being tracked by a specific commit (`revision`) rather than a version number. This is common when you want to depend on a specific state of a package that may not have been officially released. To complete the task, you should: 1. Confirm with the project maintainers or the documentation of the `Quran-iOS` package if the revision `"3954626c8a2f209913aa9da8f60417cf99bce154"` is the correct and intended state of the package to be used in the project. 2. If a specific version is preferred over a commit revision, you would need to update the package dependency in the project's `Package.swift` file to point to the desired version, and then resolve the dependencies again to update the `Package.resolved` file. 3. If the revision is correct, no action is needed regarding this file. You can proceed with the integration tasks in the other files as planned. Remember that any changes to the package dependencies should be tested to ensure that they are compatible with the project and do not introduce any new issues.
Changes on Al-Tanzeel.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj The provided `project.pbxproj` file is part of an Xcode project and contains the configuration for the project, including references to source files, resources, build settings, and package dependencies. To address the task at hand, which is to verify that the Quran-iOS package is correctly integrated and accessible within the project, we need to look for specific sections within this file. Here's what we can confirm from the provided file: 1. **Package References**: The `XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference` section includes a reference to the Quran-iOS repository, indicating that it has been added as a Swift Package Manager dependency: ```plaintext 763539CE2AB7943600CC27FD /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "quran-ios" */ = { isa = XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference; repositoryURL = "https://github.com/quran/quran-ios"; requirement = { kind = revision; revision = 3954626c8a2f209913aa9da8f60417cf99bce154; }; }; ``` This shows that the Quran-iOS package is referenced with a specific revision, ensuring that a particular state of the package is used. 2. **Product Dependencies**: The `XCSwiftPackageProductDependency` section lists the products from the Quran-iOS package that are dependencies for the project: ```plaintext 763539CF2AB7943600CC27FD /* QuranKit */, 763539D42AB7975500CC27FD /* ReadingService */, 763539D62AB7998A00CC27FD /* Localization */, 763539D82AB799E500CC27FD /* QuranTextKit */, ... ``` These entries confirm that multiple modules from the Quran-iOS package are included as dependencies. 3. **Build Phases**: The `PBXFrameworksBuildPhase` section includes references to the frameworks from the Quran-iOS package, which means they are linked during the build process: ```plaintext 763539D92AB799E500CC27FD /* QuranTextKit in Frameworks */, 763539D02AB7943600CC27FD /* QuranKit in Frameworks */, 763539D52AB7975500CC27FD /* ReadingService in Frameworks */, 763539D72AB7998A00CC27FD /* Localization in Frameworks */, ... ``` This indicates that the Quran-iOS frameworks are correctly linked to the project's build process. Based on the information in the `project.pbxproj` file, it appears that the Quran-iOS package is correctly integrated into the project. If any issues arise during the build or execution of the project, further investigation into the specific error messages would be necessary. However, from the project file alone, there are no apparent issues with the integration of the Quran-iOS package.
Changes on QuranMajeed/ApplicationMainView.swift To address the task of modifying the `ApplicationMainView` to include a navigation option to the Quran-iOS app, we need to add a user interface element that allows users to navigate to the Quran-iOS module. Here's a practical proposal to solve this task: 1. First, we need to ensure that the Quran-iOS module is accessible within this view. This might involve importing the module at the top of the file if it's not already there. 2. We will add a new button or menu item to the view that, when tapped, will take the user to the Quran-iOS module. This could be done using a `NavigationLink` if we are using a navigation-based app, or by presenting the Quran-iOS view modally. Here's an example of how the code could be modified to include a button that navigates to the Quran-iOS module: ```swift // // ApplicationMainView.swift // Al-Tanzeel // // Created by Takasur A. on 23/10/2023. // Copyright © 2023 Islam. All rights reserved. // import SwiftUI // Import the Quran-iOS module if needed // import Quran_iOS struct ApplicationMainView: View { // State to manage the presentation of the Quran-iOS view @State private var isQuranViewPresented = false var body: some View { NavigationView { VStack { // Existing QuizView if let repo = try? AppDependencyContainer.shared.theQuranDependencyContainer.makeQuranRepository() { QuizView( viewModel: QuizView.ViewModel( theQuranRepository: repo ) ) } else { Text("Sorry, something went wrong.") } // Button to navigate to the Quran-iOS module Button(action: { // Present the Quran-iOS view self.isQuranViewPresented = true }) { Text("Go to Quran") .padding() .background(Color.blue) .foregroundColor(.white) .cornerRadius(8) } // Present the Quran-iOS view modally .sheet(isPresented: $isQuranViewPresented) { // Replace with the actual Quran-iOS view Text("Quran-iOS View Goes Here") } } .navigationBarTitle("Dashboard") } } } // Preview struct ApplicationMainView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { ApplicationMainView() } } ``` In this example, we've added a `NavigationView` and a `VStack` to organize the content. Inside the `VStack`, we've placed the existing `QuizView` and added a new button labeled "Go to Quran". When this button is tapped, it sets `isQuranViewPresented` to `true`, which triggers a modal presentation of the Quran-iOS view. The actual Quran-iOS view should replace the placeholder `Text("Quran-iOS View Goes Here")`. Please note that the actual implementation of the Quran-iOS view integration will depend on how the Quran-iOS module is structured and how it is meant to be presented within the app. The placeholder text should be replaced with the appropriate view or view controller from the Quran-iOS module.