takbok / shared-contacts-admin

a web based application for administering Google Apps Domain Shared Contacts
Apache License 2.0
26 stars 15 forks source link

Cannot upload shared-contacts-admin #9

Open razom67 opened 8 years ago

razom67 commented 8 years ago

Executing appcfg.py on unzipped files produces:

2016/08/16 08:30:06 go-app-builder: Failed parsing input: package "vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/datastore" cannot import internal package "google.golang.org/appengine/internal/datastore"

edwindvinas commented 8 years ago

Please un-vendor the datastore package. See similar issue/fix below: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/google-appengine-go/srpcKnG5aOY/2SLzIV9QBwAJ

razom67 commented 8 years ago

Thanks, Edwin. I downloaded the zipped file shared-contacts-admin. Where should I look to unvendor the said package within the files I have? Thanks for your assistance.

edwindvinas commented 8 years ago

Yes, you can just delete this folder: shared-contacts-admin/vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/datastore/

This should no longer load the package from vendor folder but instead will fetch package from the net.

joeaponte commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the great suggestions Edwin. We have also just repeated the issue razom67 reports. Error may be because of conflicting package definition within local go_appengine installation and vendor folder. Deleting 'vendor' folder will resolve these conflicts, however required packages would also go missing. In this case you have to manually download all the missing packages. :-(

I made it work successfully manually, however the process is more complicated than I would like it to be. To simplify the process, we will automate the above with an automated script. We'll update this issue sometime this weekend on the status of the automated script.

razom67 -- could you let me know if your local development environment is Windows or Linux or something else? This would be good for me to know so that we can test the script in all the needed environments.

razom67 commented 8 years ago

Thanks, Edwin and Joe. I am submitting the package through Windows 10. I will delete the said library and test. From Joe's comment, I do not expect it will work.

razom67 commented 8 years ago

New message building the app:

2016/08/19 09:07:39 go-app-builder: Failed parsing input: package "vendor/google.golang.org/cloud/logging" cannot import internal package "google.golang.org/cloud/internal/transport"

razom67 commented 8 years ago

Deleted vendor/google.golang.org/cloud/logging

New error afterwards:

2016/08/19 09:11:47 go-app-builder: Failed parsing input: package "vendor/google.golang.org/cloud/compute/metadata" cannot import internal package "google.golang.org/cloud/internal"

Deleted vendor/google.golang.org/cloud/compute/metadata

New error afterwards:

2016/08/19 09:14:18 go-app-builder: Failed parsing input: package "vendor/google.golang.org/cloud" cannot import internal package "google.golang.org/cloud/internal/opts"

Deleted vendor/google.golang.org/cloud

New error:

2016/08/19 09:15:57 go-app-builder: Failed parsing input: package "vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/mail" cannot import internal package "google.golang.org/appengine/internal/mail"

Deleted vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/mail. Got new error:

2016/08/19 09:18:31 go-app-builder: Failed parsing input: package "vendor/google.golang.org/appengine/file" cannot import internal package "google.golang.org/appengine/internal/app_identity"

Should I delete the whole vendor folder?


joeaponte commented 8 years ago


I repeated the errors you reported above. I now have a solution. First, completely delete the following 3 folders:

Then download the newly written "install-packages.bat" from https://github.com/takbok/shared-contacts-admin . Then in Microsoft Windows run the BAT file you just downloaded.

Finally, resume the tutorial at this step: https://github.com/takbok/shared-contacts-admin/blob/master/tutorial/README.md#open-a-command-prompt--upload-app-to-appengine

Hope this helps. Please let me know if any issues. Good luck!


razom67 commented 8 years ago


Thanks for your help. I could not make it work.

Deleted the said folders, set GOPATH as shown below, and then ran the batch file:

D:\shared-contacts-admin-master>set GOPATH=D:\shared-contacts-admin-master

D:\shared-contacts-admin-master>install-packages Performing package update\installation. Please wait.... Installing\Updating 'google.golang.org/appengine' go: missing Git command. See https://golang.org/s/gogetcmd package google.golang.org/appengine: exec: "git": executable file not found in %PATH% Installing\Updating 'google.golang.org/appengine/urlfetch' go: missing Git command. See https://golang.org/s/gogetcmd package google.golang.org/appengine/urlfetch: exec: "git": executable file not found in %PATH% Installing\Updating 'golang.org/x/oauth2' go: missing Git command. See https://golang.org/s/gogetcmd package golang.org/x/oauth2: exec: "git": executable file not found in %PATH% Installing\Updating 'golang.org/x/oauth2/google' go: missing Git command. See https://golang.org/s/gogetcmd package golang.org/x/oauth2/google: exec: "git": executable file not found in %PATH% Package update\installation done.

joeaponte commented 8 years ago

Thanks for testing the batch file and reporting the new error. I did not catch this problem in my testing because the computer I tested already had "git" installed. It seems the "go get" command I used in the batch file requires "git" to be already installed in order to work. I just added a check for/install "git" to the tutorial ( https://github.com/takbok/shared-contacts-admin/blob/master/tutorial/README.md#remove-unneeded-folders--download-required-golang-packages ).

Can you please install git for Windows from https://git-scm.com/download/win and then re-run 'install-packages.bat' and let me know the results?

razom67 commented 8 years ago

Thank you very much, Joe. I successfully ran install-packages.bat:

D:>install-packages Performing package update\installation. Please wait.... Installing\Updating 'google.golang.org/appengine' Installing\Updating 'google.golang.org/appengine/urlfetch' Installing\Updating 'golang.org/x/oauth2' Installing\Updating 'golang.org/x/oauth2/google' Package update\installation done.

Yet running appcfy.py produced a compilation error:

Authentication successful. 07:08 PM Scanning files on local disk. 07:08 PM Scanned 500 files. 07:08 PM Scanned 1000 files. 07:08 PM Cloning 13 static files. 07:08 PM Cloning 987 application files. 07:08 PM Uploading 342 files and blobs. 07:10 PM Uploaded 342 files and blobs. 07:10 PM Compilation starting. 07:10 PM Compilation: 773 files left. 07:10 PM Error 422: --- begin server output --- Compile failed: 2016/08/23 17:10:11 go-app-builder: Failed parsing input: parser: bad import "syscall" in src/golang.org/x/net/internal/nettest/error_posix.go --- end server output --- 07:10 PM Rolling back the update. Error 422: --- begin server output ---

--- end server output ---

joeaponte commented 8 years ago

An interesting compile error. I think the actual error:

bad import "syscall"

might be due to more code being cloned/compiled that is needed. I noticed your test results has: 07:08 PM Cloning 13 static files. 07:08 PM Cloning 987 application files.

while my successful test results has: 09:27 PM Cloning 13 static files. 09:27 PM Cloning 82 application files.

See PS /1 for my full test results. Also, I noticed earlier in this thread you mentioned the following commands:

D:\shared-contacts-admin-master>set GOPATH=D:\shared-contacts-admin-master D:\shared-contacts-admin-master>install-packages

My folder structure is a little different. I have a "work" directory and underneath it is my "shared-contacts-admin-master". See attached P.S. /2 for my full folder structure (underneath "work").

Could you try starting over with a new directory called D:\work ("work" can be called anything) and then running "install-packages.bat" from within the folder? (And also copying "shared-contacts-admin-master" into that folder?)

I am not sure if the above will fix the problem, it's just something you might try if you have time.

I will think about this some more tomorrow etc. & see if I can come up with a simplified install approach...



P.S. /1 My test results just now are:

C:\work>appcfg.py --application=ja-sca-001 --email=joe.aponte1@gmail.com --no_cookies update shared-contacts-admin-master 09:26 PM Application: ja-sca-001 (was: g-apps-sca001); version: 1 09:26 PM Host: appengine.google.com 09:26 PM Starting update of app: ja-sca-001, version: 1 09:26 PM Getting current resource limits. Your browser has been opened to visit:

( omitted )

If your browser is on a different machine then exit and re-run this application with the command-line parameter


Authentication successful. 09:27 PM Scanning files on local disk. 09:27 PM Cloning 13 static files. 09:27 PM Cloning 82 application files. 09:27 PM Compilation starting. 09:27 PM Compilation: 65 files left. 09:27 PM Compilation completed. 09:27 PM Starting deployment. 09:27 PM Checking if deployment succeeded. 09:27 PM Deployment successful. 09:27 PM Checking if updated app version is serving. 09:27 PM Completed update of app: ja-sca-001, version: 1

P.S. /2 The folder structure I have under C:\work is:

C:\work>tree /A Folder PATH listing for volume Windows10_OS Volume serial number is (omitted) C:. +---pkg | ---windows_amd64 | +---cloud.google.com | | ---go | | ---compute | +---github.com | | ---golang | | ---protobuf | +---golang.org | | ---x | | +---net | | | ---context | | ---oauth2 | ---google.golang.org | ---appengine | ---internal +---shared-contacts-admin-master | +---static | | +---css | | +---images | | ---js | ---testcases | +---images | ---test-data ---src +---cloud.google.com | ---go | +---bigquery | +---bigtable | | +---bttest | | +---cmd | | | +---cbt | | | +---emulator | | | +---loadtest | | | ---scantest | | +---internal | | | +---cbtrc | | | +---option | | | ---stat | | ---testdata | +---compute | | ---metadata | +---container | +---datastore | | ---testdata | +---errors | +---examples | | +---bigquery | | | +---concat_table | | | +---load | | | +---query | | | ---read | | +---bigtable | | | +---helloworld | | | +---search | | | ---usercounter | | +---pubsub | | | +---cmdline | | | ---consumer | | ---storage | | +---appengine | | ---appenginevm | +---internal | | +---bundler | | ---testutil | +---logging | | ---apiv2 | +---pubsub | | ---apiv1 | +---storage | | ---testdata | +---trace | ---vision | ---apiv1 +---github.com | ---golang | ---protobuf | +---jsonpb | | ---jsonpb_test_proto | +---proto | | +---proto3_proto | | ---testdata | +---protoc-gen-go | | +---descriptor | | +---generator | | +---grpc | | +---plugin | | ---testdata | | +---multi | | ---my_test | +---ptypes | | +---any | | +---duration | | +---empty | | +---struct | | +---timestamp | | ---wrappers | ---_conformance | ---conformance_proto +---golang.org | ---x | +---net | | +---bpf | | | ---testdata | | +---context | | | ---ctxhttp | | +---dict | | +---html | | | +---atom | | | +---charset | | | | ---testdata | | | ---testdata | | | ---webkit | | | ---scripted | | +---http2 | | | +---h2demo | | | +---h2i | | | +---hpack | | | ---testdata | | +---icmp | | +---idna | | +---internal | | | +---iana | | | +---nettest | | | ---timeseries | | +---ipv4 | | +---ipv6 | | +---lex | | | ---httplex | | +---netutil | | +---proxy | | +---publicsuffix | | +---route | | +---trace | | +---webdav | | | ---internal | | | ---xml | | +---websocket | | ---xsrftoken | ---oauth2 | +---bitbucket | +---clientcredentials | +---facebook | +---fitbit | +---github | +---google | | ---testdata | | ---gcloud | +---hipchat | +---internal | +---jws | +---jwt | +---linkedin | +---mediamath | +---microsoft | +---odnoklassniki | +---paypal | +---slack | +---uber | ---vk ---google.golang.org ---appengine +---aetest +---blobstore +---capability +---channel +---cloudsql +---cmd | +---aebundler | +---aedeploy | ---aefix +---datastore +---delay +---demos | +---guestbook | | ---templates | ---helloworld +---file +---image +---internal | +---aetesting | +---app_identity | +---base | +---blobstore | +---capability | +---channel | +---datastore | +---image | +---log | +---mail | +---memcache | +---modules | +---remote_api | +---search | +---socket | +---system | +---taskqueue | +---urlfetch | +---user | ---xmpp +---log +---mail +---memcache +---module +---remote_api +---runtime +---search +---socket +---taskqueue +---urlfetch +---user ---xmpp

litriv commented 8 years ago

What you guys need to do is to Dockerize the deployment of the app.

That way, setting up deployment will only have to be dealt with once (Dockerfile) and issues of the "it deploys on person x's machine but not on person y's" type won't keep occurring, which will lead to much less future hassles.

Anyone with a bit of Docker experience will be able to deploy with ease without having to have local environment setup in any particular way apart from having Docker installed.

This will also save you from having to maintain a lot of deployment documentation and a newcomer who wants to deploy will only need to know Docker (a common technology) instead of having to get up to speed with a non-docker deployment process (software installs, environment configs, scripts to run, order to do things, etc.).

razom67 commented 8 years ago


I moved all contents to a newly created folder, deleted the three folders (vendor, video-tutorial, and tutorial)

D:\WIP>set GOPATH=D:\wip

Executed "install-packages"

D:\WIP>install-packages Performing package update\installation. Please wait.... Installing\Updating 'google.golang.org/appengine' Installing\Updating 'google.golang.org/appengine/urlfetch' Installing\Updating 'golang.org/x/oauth2' Installing\Updating 'golang.org/x/oauth2/google' Package update\installation done.

This is the folder structure after the previous steps:

D:\WIP>tree /a Folder PATH listing for volume LEN-EX32-RZ Volume serial number is 006CEC00 8420:B9AA D:. +---pkg | ---windows_386 | +---cloud.google.com | | ---go | | ---compute | +---github.com | | ---golang | | ---protobuf | +---golang.org | | ---x | | +---net | | | ---context | | ---oauth2 | ---google.golang.org | ---appengine | ---internal +---shared-contacts-admin-master | +---static | | +---css | | +---images | | ---js | ---testcases | +---images | ---test-data ---src +---cloud.google.com | ---go | +---bigquery | +---bigtable | | +---bttest | | +---cmd | | | +---cbt | | | +---emulator | | | +---loadtest | | | ---scantest | | +---internal | | | +---cbtrc | | | +---option | | | ---stat | | ---testdata | +---compute | | ---metadata | +---container | +---datastore | | ---testdata | +---errors | +---examples | | +---bigquery | | | +---concat_table | | | +---load | | | +---query | | | ---read | | +---bigtable | | | +---helloworld | | | +---search | | | ---usercounter | | +---pubsub | | | +---cmdline | | | ---consumer | | ---storage | | +---appengine | | ---appenginevm | +---internal | | +---bundler | | ---testutil | +---logging | | ---apiv2 | +---pubsub | | ---apiv1 | +---storage | | ---testdata | +---trace | ---vision | ---apiv1 +---github.com | ---golang | ---protobuf | +---jsonpb | | ---jsonpb_test_proto | +---proto | | +---proto3_proto | | ---testdata | +---protoc-gen-go | | +---descriptor | | +---generator | | +---grpc | | +---plugin | | ---testdata | | +---multi | | ---my_test | +---ptypes | | +---any | | +---duration | | +---empty | | +---struct | | +---timestamp | | ---wrappers | ---_conformance | ---conformance_proto +---golang.org | ---x | +---net | | +---bpf | | | ---testdata | | +---context | | | ---ctxhttp | | +---dict | | +---html | | | +---atom | | | +---charset | | | | ---testdata | | | ---testdata | | | ---webkit | | | ---scripted | | +---http2 | | | +---h2demo | | | +---h2i | | | +---hpack | | | ---testdata | | +---icmp | | +---idna | | +---internal | | | +---iana | | | +---nettest | | | ---timeseries | | +---ipv4 | | +---ipv6 | | +---lex | | | ---httplex | | +---netutil | | +---proxy | | +---publicsuffix | | +---route | | +---trace | | +---webdav | | | ---internal | | | ---xml | | +---websocket | | ---xsrftoken | ---oauth2 | +---bitbucket | +---clientcredentials | +---facebook | +---fitbit | +---github | +---google | | ---testdata | | ---gcloud | +---heroku | +---hipchat | +---internal | +---jws | +---jwt | +---linkedin | +---mediamath | +---microsoft | +---odnoklassniki | +---paypal | +---slack | +---uber | ---vk ---google.golang.org ---appengine +---aetest +---blobstore +---capability +---channel +---cloudsql +---cmd | +---aebundler | +---aedeploy | ---aefix +---datastore +---delay +---demos | +---guestbook | | ---templates | ---helloworld +---file +---image +---internal | +---aetesting | +---app_identity | +---base | +---blobstore | +---capability | +---channel | +---datastore | +---image | +---log | +---mail | +---memcache | +---modules | +---remote_api | +---search | +---socket | +---system | +---taskqueue | +---urlfetch | +---user | ---xmpp +---log +---mail +---memcache +---module +---remote_api +---runtime +---search +---socket +---taskqueue +---urlfetch +---user ---xmpp

Then performed appcfg:

D:\WIP>appcfg.py --application=directorio-2016 --email=a@b.c --no_cookies update shared-contacts-admin-master 10:27 AM Application: directorio-2016 (was: g-apps-sca001); version: 1 10:27 AM Host: appengine.google.com 10:27 AM Starting update of app: directorio-2016, version: 1 10:27 AM Getting current resource limits. Your browser has been opened to visit:

--noauth_local_webserver Authentication successful. 10:27 AM Scanning files on local disk. 10:27 AM Cloning 13 static files. 10:27 AM Cloning 28 application files. 10:27 AM Compilation starting. 10:27 AM Compilation: 12 files left. 10:27 AM Error 422: --- begin server output --- Compile failed: 2016/08/25 08:27:32 go-app-builder: build timing: 1×compile (179ms total), 0×link (0 total) 2016/08/25 08:27:32 go-app-builder: failed running compile: exit status 1

SharedContactsDemo.go:30: can't find import: "google.golang.org/appengine" --- end server output --- 10:27 AM Rolling back the update. Error 422: --- begin server output ---

--- end server output ---

Copied google.golan.org folder inside contacts-admin-master folder and executed appcfg to another error:

D:\WIP>appcfg.py --application=directorio-2016 --email=a@b.c --no_cookies update shared-contacts-admin-master 10:33 AM Application: directorio-2016 (was: g-apps-sca001); version: 1 10:33 AM Host: appengine.google.com 10:33 AM Starting update of app: directorio-2016, version: 1 10:33 AM Getting current resource limits. Your browser has been opened to visit:

If your browser is on a different machine then exit and re-run this application with the command-line parameter


Authentication successful. 10:33 AM Scanning files on local disk. 10:33 AM Cloning 13 static files. 10:33 AM Cloning 178 application files. 10:33 AM Uploading 82 files and blobs. 10:33 AM Uploaded 82 files and blobs. 10:33 AM Compilation starting. 10:33 AM Compilation: 134 files left. 10:33 AM Error 422: --- begin server output --- Compile failed: 2016/08/25 08:33:54 go-app-builder: build timing: 6×compile (300ms total), 0×link (0 total) 2016/08/25 08:33:54 go-app-builder: failed running compile: exit status 1

google.golang.org/appengine/internal/datastore/datastore_v3.pb.go:53: can't find import: "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" google.golang.org/appengine/internal/mail/mail_service.pb.go:19: can't find import: "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" google.golang.org/appengine/internal/log/log_service.pb.go:29: can't find import: "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" google.golang.org/appengine/internal/modules/modules_service.pb.go:32: can't find import: "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" google.golang.org/appengine/internal/user/user_service.pb.go:24: can't find import: "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" google.golang.org/appengine/internal/base/api_base.pb.go:22: can't find import: "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" --- end server output --- 10:33 AM Rolling back the update. Error 422: --- begin server output ---

--- end server output ---

Copied github.com folder inside contacts-admin-master, appcfged to this error:

D:\WIP>appcfg.py --application=directorio-2016 --email=a@b.c --no_cookies update shared-contacts-admin-master 10:38 AM Application: directorio-2016 (was: g-apps-sca001); version: 1 10:38 AM Host: appengine.google.com 10:38 AM Starting update of app: directorio-2016, version: 1 10:38 AM Getting current resource limits. Your browser has been opened to visit:

If your browser is on a different machine then exit and re-run this application with the command-line parameter


Authentication successful. 10:38 AM Scanning files on local disk. 10:38 AM Cloning 13 static files. 10:38 AM Cloning 276 application files. 10:38 AM Uploading 67 files and blobs. 10:39 AM Uploaded 67 files and blobs. 10:39 AM Compilation starting. 10:39 AM Compilation: 190 files left. 10:39 AM Error 422: --- begin server output --- Compile failed: 2016/08/25 08:39:03 go-app-builder: build timing: 19×compile (5.186s total), 0×link (0 total) 2016/08/25 08:39:03 go-app-builder: failed running compile: exit status 1

github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go/testdata/my_test/test.pb.go:27: can't find import: "github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go/testdata/multi" --- end server output --- 10:39 AM Rolling back the update. Error 422: --- begin server output ---

--- end server output ---

But there is a folder github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go/testdata/multi with three files: multi1.proto, multi2.proto, and multi3.proto

I'm stuck again.

dushyant10 commented 8 years ago

I am able to get the project compiled.

Steps I performed are: 1) Downloaded Google App Engine from https://storage.googleapis.com/appengine-sdks/featured/go_appengine_sdk_windows_386-1.9.40.zip

2) Unzipped 'go_appengine_sdk_windows_386-1.9.40.zip' to a new folder called 'C:\GAE'

3) Added 'C:\GAE\go_appengine' to system path variable. Also added new environment variable GOPATH='C:\GAE\go_appengine\gopath'

4) Downloaded and installed python 2.7 from 'https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.12/python-2.7.12.msi'. During installation I made sure that 'python.exe' is added in the system path variable.

5) Installed 'basic only' git from https://github-cloud.s3.amazonaws.com/releases/23216272/148e2c64-6ad9-11e6-9ca0-141d5f7a7af8.exe?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAISTNZFOVBIJMK3TQ%2F20160826%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20160826T143404Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=a5b06b790e0c9e97445bf697ca6672a318107f04b09284ed696e3d88cd4707ac&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=0&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3DGit-

6) Installed go from https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.7.windows-386.msi

7) Downloaded Shared Contacts Admin code from https://codeload.github.com/takbok/shared-contacts-admin/zip/master

8) Unzipped the code into 'C:\Work' folder

9) Deleted 'vendor' folder completely from 'C:\Work\shared-contacts-admin-master'

10) Opened Windows command prompt and navigated to 'C:\Work' folder.

11) Executed 'shared-contacts-admin-master\install-packages.bat' file Performing package update\installation. Please wait.... Installing\Updating 'google.golang.org/appengine' Installing\Updating 'google.golang.org/appengine/urlfetch' Installing\Updating 'golang.org/x/oauth2' Installing\Updating 'golang.org/x/oauth2/google' Package update\installation done.

12) Executed 'appcfg.py --application=[my-project] --email=[my-email-id] --no_cookies update shared-contacts-admin-master'

It got successfully compiled.

Can you please try a clean build with GOPATH as [your-gae-location\gopath] ?

askshjcn commented 7 years ago

ubuntu 16.04.1 delete vendor, root@ubuntu:~/work# appcfg.py --application=gapps --email=a@b.com  update shared-contacts-admin 02:44 AM Application: gapps-lianxiren (was: g-apps-sca001); version: 1 02:44 AM Host: appengine.google.com 02:44 AM Starting update of app: gapps-lianxiren, version: 1 02:44 AM Getting current resource limits. 02:44 AM Scanning files on local disk. 02:44 AM Cloning 13 static files. 02:44 AM Cloning 31 application files. 02:44 AM Compilation starting. 02:44 AM Compilation: 12 files left. 02:44 AM Error 422: --- begin server output --- Compile failed: 2016/10/16 19:44:06 go-app-builder: build timing: 1×compile (164ms total), 0×link (0 total) 2016/10/16 19:44:06 go-app-builder: failed running compile: exit status 1

SharedContactsDemo.go:30: can't find import: "google.golang.org/appengine" --- end server output --- 02:44 AM Rolling back the update. Error 422: --- begin server output ---

--- end server output ---

edwindvinas commented 7 years ago

Hi @askshjcn,

Please run the https://github.com/takbok/shared-contacts-admin/blob/master/install-packages-linux.sh on your Ubuntu shell so it will install the required packages such as "google.golang.org/appengine".

Thanks, Edwin

askshjcn commented 7 years ago

THANK YOU @edwindvinas , BUT I have done this step before.

update: in a clean system,I upload success. I found my error. I had download the appengine python version...

edwindvinas commented 7 years ago

Hi @askshjcn,

You mean the error is no longer about below? SharedContactsDemo.go:30: can't find import: "google.golang.org/appengine"

Is it a different error? If yes, kindly provide error details or screenshot.

Thanks, Edwin

askshjcn commented 7 years ago

HI @edwindvinas ,

In a clean ubuntu 16.04 system,I upload SCA success.

then 1) Setup Google Developer Console 2) Setup Google Apps for Work

at last,I can't import sample1.csv to my domain contacts.

Q:can I use the http://www.cloudtest1.com/ import csv?


edwindvinas commented 7 years ago

Hi @askshjcn, may I know what error you see when you try to import sample1.csv? I think you need to your own Google Apps hosted domain. Thanks!

joeaponte commented 7 years ago


Yes, you can use www.cloudtest1.com , it works OK in my brief testing. Please enter domain name using the format "http://www.mydomain.com/ (e.g. https://www.ardanlabs.com/ except replace "ardanlabs" with your company's name. ). For best results, please edit 'sample1.csv' as per your requirements and use the same as input file for import.

While www.cloudtest1.com might work OK, I also think it is probably best to still try to host the SCA code yourself.

As @edwindvinas just mentioned above, can you share the error you see when you try to import sample1.csv?



joeaponte commented 7 years ago


I have made a very small update to the code ( https://github.com/takbok/shared-contacts-admin/commit/ed5266984d9854b231b68e2a3392d8cedec23ba4 ) in order to fix another user's issue ( issue # 10 ). However, I think this same update might also fix your import csv issue ( issue # 9 ) as well.

The newest code is now deployed to the demo site:


Can you please test again?



askshjcn commented 7 years ago

@joeaponte ,

My test in http://g-apps-sca001.appspot.com/

select import input http://www.mydomain.com press import CSV then log in with my domain admin's user name and password

output is


and nothing else.

what can i do?


joeaponte commented 7 years ago


It looks like Import is not even trying to import anything. Nothing imported, but also no errors were displayed on the screen!

Can you test again and this time select "sample1.csv" (can be downloaded from https://github.com/takbok/shared-contacts-admin/blob/master/testcases/test-data/sample1.csv ) before clicking "Import CSV" ? The test steps would be:

  1. select import
  2. input http://www.mydomain.com
  3. Press the "Choose File" button and select a csv file (you can use the sample file "sample1.csv" or any csv file following this same format)
  4. then press "Import CSV" button
  5. then log in with your domain admin's user name and password

See: https://github.com/takbok/shared-contacts-admin/blob/master/tutorial/35_point_csv_and_enter_google_app_domain.png . I would expect/hope the sample contacts would import -- or at least an error of some kind would be displayed on the screen.



askshjcn commented 7 years ago


YES, The sample1.csv file i used is download from https://github.com/takbok/shared-contacts-admin/blob/master/testcases/test-data/sample1.csv

I try the steps again,but noting imported and no errors

dushyant10 commented 7 years ago


It works quite well for my domain. Did you get up to login screen ?

If you don't mind, can you please share your domain name for testing purpose ?