takielias / tablar

Tablar: A Laravel Dashboard Preset Based on Tabler HTML Template + Vite. https://tablar.ebuz.xyz/docs
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Deprecation Warning: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. #21

Closed saurabh2k1 closed 10 months ago

saurabh2k1 commented 10 months ago

While following the tutorials, following deprecation warning

Deprecation Warning: Passing percentage units to the global abs() function is deprecated. In the future, this will emit a CSS abs() function to be resolved by the browser. To preserve current behavior: math.abs(85.714285%) To emit a CSS abs() now: abs(#{85.714285%}) More info: https://sass-lang.com/d/abs-percent

╷ 1 │ ┌ //Tabler Core Scss 2 │ │ @import "../../node_modules/@tabler/core/src/scss/tabler"; 3 │ │ //Tabler Webfont Icon 4 │ │ @import "../../node_modules/@tabler/icons-webfont/tabler-icons.css"; 5 │ │ //Import custom Icon size 6 │ └ @import "../css/icon-style.css"; ╵ resources\sass\tabler.scss 1:1 divide() node_modules\@tabler\core\src\scss\ui_badges.scss 8:41 @import node_modules\@tabler\core\src\scss_core.scss 17:9 @import node_modules\@tabler\core\src\scss\tabler.scss 1:9 @import resources\sass\tabler.scss 2:9 root stylesheet


takielias commented 10 months ago

@saurabh2k1 Thanks for addressing the issue. I'm going to fix it.