takielias / tablar

Tablar: A Laravel Dashboard Preset Based on Tabler HTML Template + Vite. https://tablar.ebuz.xyz/docs
MIT License
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Check if vite is enabled in auth/layout.blade.php #54

Closed iz5clj closed 2 months ago

iz5clj commented 3 months ago

As you do in vendor/master.blade.php you should also check in vendor/auth/layout.blade.php if vite is enabled. Good job with this module.

takielias commented 3 months ago

@iz5clj Could you please explain in more detail?

iz5clj commented 2 months ago

In vendor/master.blade.php you make a check: @if(config('tablar','vite')) @vite('resources/js/app.js') @endif Would it be also nice to make this check in vendor/auth/layout.blade.php?

takielias commented 2 months ago

@iz5clj It's fixed.