AndroidKickstartR helps you to quickly create a well configured Android application using the most popular libraries. It creates and configures your project for you. Just focus on code!
On a fresh maven repo AA-2.7.1 will be downloaded because of the pom.xml dependency but AA-2.7 in .factorypath won't leading to eclipse claiming:
"Project test is missing required annotation processor library: 'M2_REPO/com/googlecode/androidannotations/androidannotations-api/2.7/androidannotations-api-2.7.jar'".
.factorypath should be updated to use the same version of AA in the pom.xml
On a fresh maven repo AA-2.7.1 will be downloaded because of the pom.xml dependency but AA-2.7 in .factorypath won't leading to eclipse claiming:
"Project test is missing required annotation processor library: 'M2_REPO/com/googlecode/androidannotations/androidannotations-api/2.7/androidannotations-api-2.7.jar'".
.factorypath should be updated to use the same version of AA in the pom.xml