takimafr / androidkickstartr

AndroidKickstartR helps you to quickly create a well configured Android application using the most popular libraries. It creates and configures your project for you. Just focus on code!
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Add OrmLite library #19

Open jeserkin opened 12 years ago

jeserkin commented 12 years ago


For use with Android applications, you should download the ormlite-android-4.42.jar and ormlite-core-4.42.jar files. ORMLite does not have any required external dependencies although there are some optional packages that you may want to use. The code works with Java 5 or later.

Example Android usage http://ormlite.com/javadoc/ormlite-core/doc-files/ormlite_4.html#SEC40

nekdenis commented 12 years ago

+1 I use ORMLite in many projects.

jeserkin commented 12 years ago

Basically as I see it can be just added to ext-libs of the project and maybe somehow added to project.properties file. Not sure about last statement.

ghost commented 12 years ago

+1 Would've been very useful.

PerfectCarl commented 11 years ago

Ormlite is a great library. (Version 4.43 is out !)

selfsx commented 11 years ago

+1 It would be great!

bachi76 commented 11 years ago

Also giving a +1 here, an ORM is missing from the libraries and ORMLite is great. Some optional example code would be nice too.

Maven repo is available.