takkaO / OpenFontRender

TTF font render support library for microcomputer.
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STM32H750 #34

Closed wystewart closed 2 months ago

wystewart commented 1 year ago

not really an issue, but I have a STM32H750 board running at 480MHz, SDRAM at 120MHz with STM32duino (code needed some modification to compile for file system). I thought I'd pass along the render speed of your demo code. Using only drawpixel, 65ms. This is with a modified version of Adafruit_GFX, to a 640x480 LCD running in 32 bit pixels (ARGB). The fonts look fantastic. thanks so much for developing this library.

takkaO commented 2 months ago

Thank you for using this library 😄

I will add the information you gave us to the README in Tested hardware.

Also, OpenFontRender v1.2 now includes enhanced support for file systems.
This should allow font files to be loaded on various hardware without library changes. Please see document and sample code for more info. Welcome your feedback.

Sorry for the crazy slow response.

wystewart commented 2 months ago

thank you. And you did acknowledge my post with a thumbs up, so no apology needed for "crazy slow response". Go ahead and close this ticket since it was informational only.