takkaO / OpenFontRender

TTF font render support library for microcomputer.
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Align::*Right doesn't work quite right? #37

Open chconnor opened 10 months ago

chconnor commented 10 months ago

I was using URW Gothic Book. This font, as far as I know, has fixed-width numerals.

When I use Align::TopRight or Align::BottomRight for the numerals, however, the alignment changes when a "1" is the last digit drawn to the screen.

E.g. drawing the string "90" and "91" will cause the 9 to be in a slightly different place. The other combinations (92, 93, 94, etc) all align as expected.

If I use that font in LibreOffice and align right, it works as expected.

Here is the original TTF.

Here is the stripped-down version (out of fontforge) that I'm actually using.

Any ideas? Is this a confusion on my part about what to expect from AlignRight? Maybe it goes by the actual glyph contents, rather than the specified character width?

takkaO commented 10 months ago

Thank you for using.

I will try your code. Please give me some time.

(I crezy busy my main business, so it will takes time 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️)

chconnor commented 10 months ago

Thanks @takkaO -- in case it's helpful, below is some demo code.

And here is the reduced URWGothic-Book.h.

Attached is a pic of the output. You can see that the left side of the Align::TopRight section is not even. However the right side of Align::TopLeft section is even. So it would seem that there is a difference when the align is left or right in terms of how it computes the edge of the character.

Attached is also a pic of the "1" and "2" digits in fontforge, in case that's useful.



#include <Arduino.h>
#include "SPI.h"
#include <TFT_eSPI.h> // screen; uses src/TFT_eSPI_Setup.h after library file User_Setup_Select.h changed to #include <../../../../src/TFT_eSPI_Setup.h> 
#include "OpenFontRender.h"
#include "URWGothic_Book.h"

#define TFT_BLK 4 // pin for enable/disable of screen backlight
static TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI();
static OpenFontRender ofr;

void setup()
  while (!Serial) delay(10);

  pinMode(TFT_BLK, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(TFT_BLK, HIGH); // HIGH=screen on

  ofr.setDrawer(tft); // Link drawing object to tft instance (so font will be rendered on TFT)
  ofr.setFontColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK); // bg color is for antialiasing
  if (ofr.loadFont(URWGothic_Book, sizeof(URWGothic_Book)))
     Serial.println("font initialization error");


  ofr.setCursor(20, 20);
  ofr.setCursor(20, 40);
  ofr.printf("91");             // *********** why does this one shift to the right?
  ofr.setCursor(20, 60);

  ofr.setCursor(20, 90);
  ofr.setCursor(20, 110);
  ofr.printf("19");            // *********** this one looks OK, as expected
  ofr.setCursor(20, 130);

void loop() { ; }
larrybud2004 commented 9 months ago

Also experiencing this with the stock NotoSans_Bold font. Font size doesn't matter, although it's more difficult to see at small sizes.