takkaO / OpenFontRender

TTF font render support library for microcomputer.
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Memory issue #44

Open copantok opened 4 months ago

copantok commented 4 months ago

Hello, I am using a OpenFontRender on ESP32 together with TFT_eSPI and I am using multiple fonts. I noticed that after loadFont() and then unloadFont(), approximately 50 bytes of memory remain allocated. So after each loadFont() - unloadFont() of another font, the memory usage increases until the system crashes.

llapp0612 commented 4 months ago

Can confirm memory leaks with loadFont() in a loop till system crashing an reseting.


Checked library and my code, found out, that the library haven't memory leak. A memory leak appear with following code

`function1(){ loadFont(); ... function2(); ... unloadFont(); }

function2(){ loadfont(); drawFont(); unloadFont(); }`

Correct will be:

Example 1

`function1(){ loadFont(); drawFont(); unloadFont(); ... function2(); }

function2(){ loadfont(); drawFont(); unloadFont(); }`

Example 2

`function1(){ ... function2(); ... }

function2(){ loadfont(); drawFont(); unloadFont(); }`

takkaO commented 2 months ago

@copantok , @llapp0612

Where do you load fonts from? Also, can you provide the smallest complete code that can reproduce the problem?

Thank you.

llapp0612 commented 2 months ago

it have nothing to do with the font itself.

when you use doubles time loadFont() and use unloadFont(), you will get a memory leak. i had posted the smallest code.

this is incorrect:

void function1(){ loadFont(); <-- any code --> function2(); <-- any code --> unloadFont(); }

void function2(){ loadfont(); drawFont(); unloadFont(); }

in this example, load font will be load, then a call to function2 with loadFont again without unloadFont before. after second time loadFont comes unloadFont and a second time again. this is not working and will get a memory leak. after loadfont, you will need to unloadFont again, after that u can call the LoadFont again.

takkaO commented 2 months ago


Please tell me a complete sketch (code) that can be executed by copy-paste to accurately verify the issue. I have some overall picture with your minimal code, but I do not understand some of the details.

Thank you.

llapp0612 commented 2 months ago

Here is my Git

What microcontroller is used? Is the development environment Arduino? First, have coded with a Arduino board, later switched to ESP32 Dev Board and changed a bit code for ESP32.

Are the fonts to be loaded the same? Are they different? If you look into my code, you will see there is no different.

Are the fonts loaded from SD? No. Not tested from SD.

Is there one instance of OpenFontRender? More than one? I use many Times loadFont() and after that unLoadFont(), but i never use loadFont() loadFont() and then unloadFont() unloadFont(), because, this is the reason for memory leak.

Where is function1 called from? setup or loop? Yes, in loop