takluyver / entrypoints

Discover and load entry points from installed packages
MIT License
74 stars 28 forks source link

source archive upload on pypi #14

Closed fdiary closed 7 years ago

fdiary commented 7 years ago


Could you please consider uploading sorce archive (i.e. .tar.gz or .zip) on pypi, so that "entrypoints" can be installed as an egg ? I am using buildout to install "ipython" that requires "nbconvert" and recent "nbconvert" requires "entrypoints".

Thanks in advance !

takluyver commented 7 years ago

Sorry, as this is packaged using flit, there won't be a source distribution until PEPs 518 and 517 are implemented. I'm working on that. You will need to use an install tool that understands wheels.

cglong commented 7 years ago

@takluyver Now that pypa/pip#4144 has been merged in, do we have any timeline for when we can expect a .tar.gz to be made available? I'm trying to add Jupyter to a package manager, but their policy insists all dependencies be made available in source form 😄

takluyver commented 7 years ago

I've just put a release up with a tarball. We're still hashing out the details of a standardised build system (PEP 517), but I've worked out a way for flit to generate a minimal setup.py that should be usable with pip to install the package.

cglong commented 7 years ago

Wow! Thank you for the fast turnaround @takluyver; I really appreciate it 😄

I just verified that the source package is being used for the installation. Thank you again 🎉