takluyver / pynsist

Build Windows installers for Python applications
882 stars 119 forks source link

Unique build name #157

Closed JoshMayberry closed 5 years ago

JoshMayberry commented 5 years ago

Proposed solution to https://github.com/takluyver/pynsist/issues/156 Just use commits ecbf748 and 7a12c01.

Re: Alternate Solution Allow the user to rename the files that go into the build directory. Perhaps something like this:

extra_files = [("folder1/__init__.py", "docs\\folder1", "folder1_init.py"), ("folder2/__init__.py", "docs\\folder2", "folder2_init.py")]

Which would copy the files in argument 0 and rename them in the build directory as what is in argument 2. This would then become the following in the .nsi file:

 ; Install files
    SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\\docs\\folder1"
      File "folder1_init.py"
    SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\\docs\\folder2"
      File "folder2_init.py"