We need various alert styles after certain user actions to indicate the results (success/failure/message). Given different interactions, we may need alerts right by input controls, alerts close to the action button, alters on top of a page, or fullscreen alerts. We can discuss this more later.
We need various alert styles after certain user actions to indicate the results (success/failure/message). Given different interactions, we may need alerts right by input controls, alerts close to the action button, alters on top of a page, or fullscreen alerts. We can discuss this more later.
A typical use case:
Some references: http://partner-engineering-style-guide.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/elements/flash_messages/ http://getbootstrap.com/components/#alerts http://rizzo.lonelyplanet.com/styleguide/ui-components/alerts https://dribbble.com/shots/1452552-Fun-Message-Dialogs?list=searches&tag=alert&offset=67 https://dribbble.com/shots/2090694-Simple-Growl-Notification?list=searches&tag=alert&offset=11