taksan / skype-java-api

Skype API for Java, based on Skype4Java library
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Microsoft will drop support of Skype Kit... #40

Closed sashok7241 closed 9 years ago

sashok7241 commented 10 years ago

http://habrahabr.ru/post/186432/ Is it means that libraries like Skype4COM, Skype4Py, Skype4Java and others will not longer work? Sorry for russian text, i from russia =(

fabiodepin commented 10 years ago

Hello, This is what says in site the Skype:

sashok7241 commented 10 years ago

Is "Desktop API" = COM Skype API? If so, idiocy grows stronger, nothing more to say :( I can't imagine how any skype application will receive e.g. events with URIs...

fabiodepin commented 10 years ago

yes. But if it is discontinued only Skype4COM API and documentation, we can keep the skype-java-api updated.

fabiodepin commented 10 years ago

URI seems to serve for interacting with Skype client.

fabiodepin commented 10 years ago

looks like the Skype (app) windows 8 hasn't integration with Desktop API.

sashok7241 commented 10 years ago

Desktop Skype API works well with Desktop Skype on Windows 8 =)

sashok7241 commented 10 years ago

URI seems to serve for interacting with Skype client. But... How i can receive events with this? e.g. when chat message sent?

fabiodepin commented 10 years ago

Still do not know how. In the test I did, URI only called functions the Skype client, how send chat or call to one contact. ... Yes, for me too. Desktop API worked well with Desktop Skype on Windows 8. Only for Skype APP (windows 8) that´s not worked.

taksan commented 10 years ago

I just read the Skype URI specification and right now and doesn't support a lot of things. http://dev.skype.com/skype-uri/reference

The API is very poor and it seems like we'll be at a loss using this new crappy api.

mcostabr commented 10 years ago

I´m using the Java JACOB with the Skype4COM.DLL, this api is full of shit, I doing a lot of tests, works fine on Win 32, on 64 falls any time, this crap only works on windows, need to do on linux. I have started to do some testing with this skype-java-api, sounds good, congratulations. Thank you.

sandeeprock12 commented 10 years ago

Hi @taksan,

Please have a look at the issues 45 and 50. Let me know what you think. 45 --> https://github.com/taksan/skype-java-api/issues/45 [Look at the latest comment for my analysis] 50 --> https://github.com/taksan/skype-java-api/issues/50

Please help!

sandeeprock12 commented 9 years ago

Received confirmation from the Skype Developer community that the Skype URIs cannot be used for getting any information from Skype. It can be used only for the below functionalities as of now:

Start the client start a chat (1:1 or group) Start a call (1:1 or group) Start a video call (1:1 or Group on a desktop)

It does not provide any information from Skype back to the 3rd party application. You can find out more about URIs here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/dn745878