takumayagi / fpl

Code/data of the paper "Future Person Localization in First-Person Videos" (CVPR2018)
MIT License
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cannot import name 'sqrt_fixed'- a chainer cuda issue! #3

Closed ashar-ali closed 5 years ago

ashar-ali commented 5 years ago

Hi @takumayagi ,

Thanks for providing the code. I am new to chainer. I followed the exact same steps as you have mentioned and set up an environment with chainer v4.0, cuda 8, and cudnn 5.1, cupy for cuda8.0 and so on, with an Nvidia Titan X GPU.

Still whenever i import cuda from chainer, I get the following error-

cannot import name 'sqrt_fixed'.

Is this a common error? I ask this because I could not find anything similar on the github issues pages of Chainer.

Thanks, Ashar

ashar-ali commented 5 years ago

BTW the code works just fine when I modify it to use without any cuda support.

bbidong commented 5 years ago

it is not a common error, I have not meet it.

takumayagi commented 5 years ago

@ashar-ali Hi Ashar, thank you for having interest & sorry for my late response. I think this is a cupy issue rather than a chainer issue. Cupy is a numpy-like array library which can run CUDA code. https://github.com/cupy/cupy

I'd recommend installing the binary package of it.

pip install cupy-cuda80

Hope this will help you.

ashar-ali commented 5 years ago

Hi @takumayagi ,

I did try installing cupy package before but for some reason it throws unexpected errors in my work environment.

But no worries, I was able to implement your work and train from scratch in keras, and works well for my dataset.

Thanks anyways.

bbidong commented 5 years ago

Hi @ashar-ali, I run the demo successfully, and i am trying make my dataset work well. could we have a talk?