takuya-takeuchi / FaceRecognitionDotNet

The world's simplest facial recognition api for .NET on Windows, MacOS and Linux
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Gender prediction example missing DLL #86

Closed atabora1 closed 4 years ago

atabora1 commented 4 years ago

Hi @takuya-takeuchi I’m attempting to run the Gender Training example. When I build the project, I’m missing the files referenced. DlibDotNetNative.dll, DlibDotNetNativeDnn.dll and DlibDotNetNativeDnnGenderClassification.dll* Any suggestions? The build works fine without errors. Thanks,


takuya-takeuchi commented 4 years ago

latest nuget package contains these library. extract these from it. Or you can build it from source code.

https://github.com/takuya-takeuchi/FaceRecognitionDotNet/tree/master/src/DlibDotNet.Native.Dnn.AgeClassification https://github.com/takuya-takeuchi/FaceRecognitionDotNet/tree/master/src/DlibDotNet.Native.Dnn.GenderClassification

atabora1 commented 4 years ago

I was able to get DlibDotNetNative.dll and DlibDotNetNativeDnn.dll from nuget however DlibDotNetNativeDnnGenderClassification.dll wasn't present in nuget. I also attempted to build it following the instructions on this page however that was unsuccessful. Screenshots attached.

The only odd thing was that CMAKE thought my processor was AMD. I have an Intel processor. Dlib-build-warning ! cmake cmake2

Dlib-build-warning-2 CMAKE-AMD

takuya-takeuchi commented 4 years ago

no. latest package is FaceRecognitionDotNet.

takuya-takeuchi commented 4 years ago

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FrankenApps commented 4 years ago

I ran into the same problem, just wanted to point out, these are in your local .nuget directory normally C:\User\Username\.nuget and then in the path \packages\facerecognitiondotnet\\runtimes\win-x64\native.