takuya-takeuchi / OpenH264DotNet

openh264 wrapper written in C++ and C# for Windows, MacOS, Linux
MIT License
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pwsh BuildWindows.ps1 error #3

Open jzp-oos opened 2 years ago

jzp-oos commented 2 years ago

Build OpenH264DotNet.Native [x64] for cpu Reset modification of G:\OpenH264DotNet-main\src\openh264 error: pathspec '.' did not match any file(s) known to git 系统找不到指定的路径。 cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -T host=x64 -D OpenH264_DIR="G:\OpenH264DotNet-main\src\openh264" .. CMake Error: Error: generator : Visual Studio 16 2019 Does not match the generator used previously: Visual Studio 17 2022 Either remove the CMakeCache.txt file and CMakeFiles directory or choose a different binary directory. CMake Error: Generator

Visual Studio 16 2019

could not find any instance of Visual Studio.

takuya-takeuchi commented 2 years ago

@jzp-oos Did you execute git submodule update --init --recursive to get rc\openh264? And you can modify BuildWindows.ps1 to use VS 2022. Thanks.

jzp-oos commented 2 years ago

@jzp-oos 你执行了rc\openh264吗?您可以修改BuildWindows.ps1以使用VS 2022。 谢谢。git submodule update --init --recursive


jzp-oos commented 2 years ago

@jzp-oos 你执行了rc\openh264吗?您可以修改BuildWindows.ps1以使用VS 2022。 谢谢。git submodule update --init --recursive

请问支持多线程解码吗 开多个线程解码cpu满了

takuya-takeuchi commented 2 years ago


请问支持多线程解码吗 开多个线程解码cpu满了 Does it support multi-threaded decoding? Open multiple threads to decode and the cpu is full

I don't know because it depends on implementation of openh264 libs. But it could be 'no'. Because openh264 repo says (https://github.com/cisco/openh264#encoder-features) that encoder support multi threads but decoder does not say anything.

jzp-oos commented 2 years ago


请问支持多线程解码吗 开多个线程解码cpu满了 Does it support multi-threaded decoding? Open multiple threads to decode and the cpu is full

I don't know because it depends on implementation of openh264 libs. But it could be 'no'. Because openh264 repo says (https://github.com/cisco/openh264#encoder-features) that encoder support multi threads but decoder does not say anything.

DecodingParam里CpuLoad EcActiveIdc这2个参数有何作用

takuya-takeuchi commented 2 years ago


DecodingParam里CpuLoad EcActiveIdc这2个参数有何作用 What are the functions of the two parameters CpuLoad EcActiveIdc in DecodingParam

There is no useful document for openh264 so we have to read source code.

CpuLoad DecodingParam.CpuLoad corresponds to https://github.com/cisco/openh264/blob/fac04ceb3e966f613ed17e98178e9d690280bba6/codec/api/svc/codec_app_def.h#L606 And unit test program uses this parameter in https://github.com/cisco/openh264/blob/6584567029f8899d5375333228a77517ba0c2b3b/test/decoder/DecUT_DecExt.cpp#L90

I guess we may be able to control usage of cpu by passing but I'm not sure that parameter meaning.

jzp-oos commented 2 years ago


DecodingParam里CpuLoad EcActiveIdc这2个参数有何作用 What are the functions of the two parameters CpuLoad EcActiveIdc in DecodingParam

There is no useful document for openh264 so we have to read source code.

CpuLoad DecodingParam.CpuLoad corresponds to https://github.com/cisco/openh264/blob/fac04ceb3e966f613ed17e98178e9d690280bba6/codec/api/svc/codec_app_def.h#L606 And unit test program uses this parameter in https://github.com/cisco/openh264/blob/6584567029f8899d5375333228a77517ba0c2b3b/test/decoder/DecUT_DecExt.cpp#L90

I guess we may be able to control usage of cpu by passing but I'm not sure that parameter meaning.

请问下我拿到的yuv3个分量 怎么合并成一个 我需要yuv的byte[] ToBitmap方法里面

jzp-oos commented 2 years ago


DecodingParam里CpuLoad EcActiveIdc这2个参数有何作用 What are the functions of the two parameters CpuLoad EcActiveIdc in DecodingParam

There is no useful document for openh264 so we have to read source code.

CpuLoad DecodingParam.CpuLoad corresponds to https://github.com/cisco/openh264/blob/fac04ceb3e966f613ed17e98178e9d690280bba6/codec/api/svc/codec_app_def.h#L606 And unit test program uses this parameter in https://github.com/cisco/openh264/blob/6584567029f8899d5375333228a77517ba0c2b3b/test/decoder/DecUT_DecExt.cpp#L90

I guess we may be able to control usage of cpu by passing but I'm not sure that parameter meaning.

请问下我拿到的yuv3个分量 怎么合并成一个 我需要yuv的byte[] ToBitmap方法里面
