talaia-labs / rust-teos

The Eye of Satoshi - Lightning Watchtower
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[Feature] Implements a ping endpoint (http) #200

Closed anmode closed 1 year ago

anmode commented 1 year ago

fixes: #180

  1. Adds ping endpoint to HTTP API
  2. Implement Ping logic in Watchtower plugin to interact with CLN.
  3. Modified and created get_request , post_request and request This explain better Visit
  4. Created test for each function such as get_request , post_request and request
sr-gi commented 1 year ago

@anmode as a general comment, do not create fix X commits to just amend something created in the previous commit.

The rule of thumb is: If a fix can be squashed, it has to be squashed.

We do create separate commits for functionality that can be logically separated, or for things that build on top of each other things and that may make sense to have split, but not for modification suggestions on PR comments. In your case, all commits need to be squashed.

Also, while we are at it, commits need (short) descriptive titles and a message body describing what's being changed. Same goes for PRs. e.g:

Add endpoint ❌ --> Adds ping endpoint to the HTTP API ✅ Pingpong ❌ --> Implements ping/pong logic for the tower and CLN plugin ✅

anmode commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the feedback. I apologize for not following the best practices of committing and PRs. I will make sure to follow them in the future. I understand that all my commits should be squashed and that commits should have descriptive titles and messages.

anmode commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I addressed all the suggestions i hope. and checked the test locally. Result- Sucessful

anmode commented 1 year ago

Should i squash d459af4 and 4e5170c ?

sr-gi commented 1 year ago

Should i squash d459af4 and 4e5170c ?

Yes, as mentioned in the review, all commits need to be squashed

anmode commented 1 year ago

Should i squash d459af4 and 4e5170c ?

Yes, as mentioned in the review, all commits need to be squashed

Ohh sure!! Thanks

sr-gi commented 1 year ago

Should i squash d459af4 and 4e5170c ?

Yes, as mentioned in the review, all commits need to be squashed

Wait a min! 😅 I confused. All commits should be squashed into a single commit?

Or i was thinking as two have meaningful commits only. If a small fix commit that has to be squashed to other commit!!!

Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 13 53 09

None of the commits but the first are meaningful on their own, they are fixes upon fixes or adding things that were missing, hence why they need to be all squashed into a single commit.

anmode commented 1 year ago

Should i squash d459af4 and 4e5170c ?

Yes, as mentioned in the review, all commits need to be squashed

Wait a min! 😅 I confused. All commits should be squashed into a single commit? Or i was thinking as two have meaningful commits only. If a small fix commit that has to be squashed to other commit!!!

Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 13 53 09

None of the commits but the first are meaningful on their own, they are fixes upon fixes or adding things that were missing, hence why they need to be all squashed into a single commit.

okayy!! Thanks got it! Done

anmode commented 1 year ago


  1. request function was added and the get_request and post_request functions were refactored to use it- Tested successfully
  2. Move the ping function to the main.rs but face some problem as rpcMethod allow only two fixed arguments. I m facing an issue with tower_net_address(how can I define it) and I define proxy and then pass it.
  3. Created ping rpcMethod


Error[E0277]: the trait bound `watchtower_plugin::net::http::RequestError: std::error::Error` is not satisfied
   --> watchtower-plugin/src/main.rs:305:78
305 |     let response = get_request(&tower_net_addr, Endpoint::Ping, &proxy).await?;
    |                                                                              ^ the trait `std::error::Error` is not implemented for `watchtower_plugin::net::http::RequestError`
anmode commented 1 year ago

Testing is left of request , get_request and post_request. I'll do it in the next commit. Thanks!

anmode commented 1 year ago

There may be errors in test-making...Needs review, please. But all passed in cargo test.

sr-gi commented 1 year ago

Do not merge master into your branch. Rebase the branch so it forks from master's HEAD.

This should be a single commit.

sr-gi commented 1 year ago

There may be errors in test-making... [...] But all passed in cargo test.


anmode commented 1 year ago

Do not merge master into your branch. Rebase the branch so it forks from master's HEAD.

This should be a single commit.

Actually...this is my fault i did create pR for docker image in master branch of mine. I didn't noticed. Now I'm stuck. What to do ?

But ok I'll try to do

anmode commented 1 year ago

There may be errors in test-making... [...] But all passed in cargo test.


Oops sorry! I was trying to say. If code for test look good or not? Functionality wise it is ok..as i tested it!

sr-gi commented 1 year ago

Do not merge master into your branch. Rebase the branch so it forks from master's HEAD.

This should be a single commit.

Actually...this is my fault i did create pR for docker image in master branch of mine. I didn't noticed. Now I'm stuck. What to do ?

But ok I'll try to do

Rebase master so you get the latest updates from upstream, then rebase this to the latest commit on upstream master instead of on your local master.

From now on try not to work on your master branch.

anmode commented 1 year ago

I think I did! is it ok?? Thanks. for docker pR should I continue on master only?

sr-gi commented 1 year ago

Thanks. for docker pR should I continue on master only?

Sorry but I don't understand what you mean

anmode commented 1 year ago

Thanks. for docker pR should I continue on master only?

Sorry but I don't understand what you mean

actually for this pR! ok i did rebased and squashed the commits and here branch is pingpong but i was just asking about my other PR which is https://github.com/talaia-labs/rust-teos/pull/197 so here by mistake i continue development over master branch so should i continue on master in docker pR?

sr-gi commented 1 year ago

Thanks. for docker pR should I continue on master only?

Sorry but I don't understand what you mean

actually for this pR! ok i did rebased and squashed the commits and here branch is pingpong but i was just asking about my other PR which is #197 so here by mistake i continue development over master branch so should i continue on master in docker pR?

Yeah, the PR is already open, so I would say yes. Do create separate branches for PRs from now on though, so it's less messy.

sr-gi commented 1 year ago

There may be errors in test-making... [...] But all passed in cargo test.


Oops sorry! I was trying to say. If code for test look good or not? Functionality wise it is ok..as i tested it!

Tests are failing, and so is formatting. Check the issues and fix them so we can do a final review. Do make sure all tests are passing and all commits have been squashed before requesting the review.

anmode commented 1 year ago

Ohh okay!! Thanks, there is error in one of the test - async fn test_wrong_endpoint and I fixed it. should i continue that change in this pR ?and i solved the formatting error (Lint one).

anmode commented 1 year ago

I'm bit afraid of this!. but I'll try to solve:

     =========================== short test summary info ============================

FAILED test.py::test_unreachable_watchtower - Failed: Timeout >60.0s
FAILED test.py::test_auto_retry_watchtower - TimeoutError: Unable to find "[re.compile('Server started with public key')]" in logs.
FAILED test.py::test_manually_retry_watchtower - TimeoutError: Unable to find "[re.compile('Server started with public key')]" in logs.
FAILED test.py::test_misbehaving_watchtower - TimeoutError: Unable to find "[re.compile('Server started with public key')]" in logs.
FAILED test.py::test_get_appointment - TimeoutError: Unable to find "[re.compile('Server started with public key')]" in logs.
ERROR test.py::test_watchtower - ValueError: 
Node errors:
 - lightningd-2: Node exited with return code -11
Global errors:
ERROR test.py::test_unreachable_watchtower - ValueError: 
Node errors:
 - lightningd-2: Node exited with return code -11
Global errors:
ERROR test.py::test_auto_retry_watchtower - ValueError: 
Node errors:
 - lightningd-2: Node exited with return code -11
Global errors:
ERROR test.py::test_manually_retry_watchtower - ValueError: 
Node errors:
 - lightningd-2: Node exited with return code -11
Global errors:
ERROR test.py::test_misbehaving_watchtower - ValueError: 
Node errors:
 - lightningd-2: Node exited with return code -11
Global errors:
ERROR test.py::test_get_appointment - ValueError: 
Node errors:
 - lightningd-2: Node exited with return code -11
Global errors:
sr-gi commented 1 year ago

I'm bit afraid of this!. but I'll try to solve:

     =========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED test.py::test_unreachable_watchtower - Failed: Timeout >60.0s
FAILED test.py::test_auto_retry_watchtower - TimeoutError: Unable to find "[re.compile('Server started with public key')]" in logs.
FAILED test.py::test_manually_retry_watchtower - TimeoutError: Unable to find "[re.compile('Server started with public key')]" in logs.
FAILED test.py::test_misbehaving_watchtower - TimeoutError: Unable to find "[re.compile('Server started with public key')]" in logs.
FAILED test.py::test_get_appointment - TimeoutError: Unable to find "[re.compile('Server started with public key')]" in logs.
ERROR test.py::test_watchtower - ValueError: 
Node errors:
 - lightningd-2: Node exited with return code -11
Global errors:
ERROR test.py::test_unreachable_watchtower - ValueError: 
Node errors:
 - lightningd-2: Node exited with return code -11
Global errors:
ERROR test.py::test_auto_retry_watchtower - ValueError: 
Node errors:
 - lightningd-2: Node exited with return code -11
Global errors:
ERROR test.py::test_manually_retry_watchtower - ValueError: 
Node errors:
 - lightningd-2: Node exited with return code -11
Global errors:
ERROR test.py::test_misbehaving_watchtower - ValueError: 
Node errors:
 - lightningd-2: Node exited with return code -11
Global errors:
ERROR test.py::test_get_appointment - ValueError: 
Node errors:
 - lightningd-2: Node exited with return code -11
Global errors:

Interesting. This is happening because you are actually trying to define an rpc command called ping, when CLN already has a ping command, that's why you saw logs like:

lightningd: FATAL SIGNAL 11 (version v0.12.1)
lightningd: libbacktrace: no debug info in Mach-O executable
lightningd: libbacktrace: no debug info in Mach-O executable
lightningd: libbacktrace: no debug info in Mach-O executable
lightningd: libbacktrace: no debug info in Mach-O executable
lightningd: libbacktrace: no debug info in Mach-O executable
lightningd: libbacktrace: no debug info in Mach-O executable
lightningd: libbacktrace: no debug info in Mach-O executable
lightningd: libbacktrace: no debug info in Mach-O executable
lightningd: libbacktrace: no debug info in Mach-O executable

I guess we'll have to rename the command to pingtower

anmode commented 1 year ago

---- net::http::tests::test_get_request stdout ----
thread 'net::http::tests::test_get_request' panicked at 'Cannot start a runtime from within a runtime. This happens because a function (like `block_on`) attempted to block the current thread while the thread is being used to drive asynchronous tasks.', watchtower-plugin/src/net/http.rs:577:30
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

---- net::http::tests::test_request stdout ----
thread 'net::http::tests::test_request' panicked at 'Cannot start a runtime from within a runtime. This happens because a function (like `block_on`) attempted to block the current thread while the thread is being used to drive asynchronous tasks.', watchtower-plugin/src/net/http.rs:545:18


test result: FAILED. 89 passed; 2 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 7.18s.

I tried the backtracing! But unable to get where i am creating the new runtime in the existing runtime. So it blocks. but I wonder why post_request is not failing if there is issue in request function. I tried to modify the test too as i think request function is quite ok!. Sorry I need a little help. I am learning debugging in Rust. So I can perform more better Thanks but yaa I am trying....https://ryhl.io/blog/async-what-is-blocking/ as far i understood.

        let api_mock = server
            .mock("POST", Endpoint::Register.path().as_str())
            .with_header("content-type", "application/json")


This logic is creating a problem

anmode commented 1 year ago

Ohh done!! I fix it and updated the pR description too!

anmode commented 1 year ago

Should I add the response too in docs? as I just add the command

sr-gi commented 1 year ago

Should I add the response too in docs? as I just add the command

The command description is enough.

anmode commented 1 year ago


sr-gi commented 1 year ago

ACK de9cd71

anmode commented 1 year ago

Thanks! got to know some new things @mariocynicys @sr-gi !

sr-gi commented 1 year ago

@mariocynicys this is also missing a review

mariocynicys commented 1 year ago

Thanks @sr-gi @mariocynicys. My first contribution towards TEOS. Going to be merged soon. This pR help me a lot.

Well done! You need to sign your commit though before merging it.

anmode commented 1 year ago

Thanks @sr-gi @mariocynicys. My first contribution towards TEOS. Going to be merged soon. This pR help me a lot.

Well done! You need to sign your commit though before merging it.

Ohh sure!

anmode commented 1 year ago

Done!! 1bb5bde

sr-gi commented 1 year ago

Needs rebasing

anmode commented 1 year ago

Needs rebasing

done! 222925170295e0e64b424ca9bd049c563a7a6e0d